Gordon Baty

Páginas: 26 (6276 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2013







Dr. Gordon B. Baty, Ph.D. se desempeña como asesor en PredatorWatch.Dr. Baty Co fundó Zero Stage Capital y sirve como su Socio Director. Dr. Baty tiene más de 30 años de experiencia operativa en la formación, financiación, operación, y las fusiones y adquisiciones de nuevas empresas. Más recientemente, ha trabajado con Mercury Systems, Inc. (anteriormente Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.), Novitron International, Cognex Corporation, Ibis y Tecnología, todos los cualeshan tenido éxito. Dr. Baty trabajó para el Laboratorio Draper 1962-1964. Luego fundó y se convirtió en el consejero delegado de Icon Corporation. Dr. Baty es un fundador del MIT Enterprise Forum. Posteriormente fundó Context Corporation y Wormser Engineering, Inc. Se desempeña como Director de Passport systems inc y Zero Stage de Capital, Inc. Dr. Baty sirve como Director de nueve empresasprivadas y es Presidente del Consejo Asesor de Empresas de Tecnología Navigator. Se desempeñó como Director de Mercury Systems, Inc. de 1983 a noviembre de 2008. Un consumado escritor y conferencista sobre el tema de la formación conjunta, su libro más reciente es "El espíritu empresarial: Vuelta a lo esencial (Grupo Beard 2002). Durante varios años, fue profesor de gestión empresarial en la SloanSchool of Management del MIT. Dr. Baty recibió un SB y un SM en Administración Industrial y es Doctor en finanzas del MIT.


Emprendimiento. Formación, financiación, operación, fusión y adquisición de nuevas empresas.

Concepto de empresa o empresario del autor:

Empresario. Emprendedor.“Tomador de riesgos”, que pondera los beneficios y asume los riesgos que impliquealcanzarlos.


American Business Needs More Risk Takers; Not Perfect, of Course

To the Editor:

Your excellent look at entrepreneurs (front page, June 14) was read with keen interest in our venture capital shop and, I suspect, many others. The tone of shock and betrayal that seems to characterize some portion of entrepreneurship's new critics seems to reveal anearlier naive faith that somehow entrepreneurship had been sold by some conspirator as an economic panacea. It wasn't, it isn't and never was.

Entrepreneurship at best is one of the successful enterprise models that coexist in our pluralistic economy. High-tech entrepreneurs, and the venture capital industry that supports them, will never represent more than a tiny fraction of the people who startnew companies in our country annually, nor is the total venture capital pool more than a tiny fraction of the total industrial capital invested annually. Nonetheless, the results, in technology growth, jobs, gross national product increases and new tax revenues are so remarkable that Silicon Valley and Route 128 are often the only things businessmen from abroad wish to see - certainly not oursteel mills and auto plants.

There is doubtless some truth to the argument that small companies and venture capitalists steal away the best talent of older companies. But the solution is not to lobby for higher capital-gains taxes to help discourage voracious venture investors (not to mention every other type of long-term investor!). We are competing in the world against hungry rival nations withno tax on capital gains, and whose new-plant-investment rate far exceeds ours. Rather, the aggrieved companies must begin to offer employees rewards for achievement that keep them competitive in the labor marketplace.

In many organizations (e.g., basketball), the star performer makes many times more than the manager. Even in many benighted industrial organizations, the star salesman can pull...
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