Growing up

Páginas: 2 (344 palabras) Publicado: 16 de enero de 2012
Growing up
Now you might be a “babe in the woods” but with time and practice everything will come out better than you think. When you keep giving your best, you will get good results and you willdemonstrate to others that you are a mature individual. In the narrative, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, she writes how someone can transform to show the others who he or she really is. In hernovel, Pride and Prejudice, Austen describes how Mr. Darcy development into a mature adult shedding his “babe in the woods” demeanor. As for the author, Jane Austen, she herself matures at the death ofher father, because the responsibility of financial support for her mother, sister and herself became the weight on her shoulders.
Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 in Steventon, England. Shewas the seventh of eight children that Rev. George Austen, Anglican minister, and Cassandra Leigh had. She was from a respectable family with social status and little money. Austen attended a boardingschool for 2 years and then she had lessons at home of drawing, music and needlework.
“As Darcy learns to moderate his tradition-based view of society and to recognize individual excellence inranks below his own, Elizabeth becomes less dogmatic in her judgments, and in particular more aware of the real merits of Darcy, whom she initially dismisses as a naughty, unfeeling aristocrat.” (Peter W.Graham)
Mr. Darcy matures when he handles a conflict between him and Mr. Wickham.
Jane Austen first published her novels anonymously.
Some early admirers were: Prince Regent and Sir Walter Scott.Jane Austen’s novels were her “bits of ivory.”
“The creation of such comic creations as Mrs. Bennet, is that each is a sparkling refinement on a quality or set of qualities existing at all times andon all levels.”
She was content to put Pride and Prejudice aside for more than a decade.
A complete revision of First Impressions made her change the name of the novel to Pride and Prejudice....
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