Health Systems

Páginas: 8 (1998 palabras) Publicado: 2 de julio de 2012
How health systems change depending on the wealth and development of the country?
This essay will analyze how health systems change depending on the wealth and development of the country. To do this I will take three perspectives into account: global, national and local. In order to analyze it in the global aspect I will pick two or three countries, one or two developed countries and one or twoundeveloped countries, of each continent. When talking about the national view I will talk about what happens in Argentina. And I will choose the city of Tandil in the local aspect.
Global Perspective:
First I’m going to explain what we understand by “developed country and undeveloped country”. A developed country is the one that has an income per capita higher than 10,000 dollars, a welldeveloped and technology advanced industry, high life quality that depends on quantity and quality of the sanitary, educational and cultural services infrastructure and an important percentage of society has a high consuming level, among other things. European countries, Canada, United States, Japan, Australia and New Zeland are the most developed countries in the world.
On the other hand we have theundeveloped countries. These countries are the ones who have an income per capita lower than 2,000 dollars, reduced industrial growth, cheap hand-labor, high levels of analphabetism and low life standard. We can find examples of these kind of countries in Africa, around thirty countries are undeveloped ones, in Asia we can find almost ten countries, five countries in Oceania and in America, atleast, five.
We also need to know what kinds of health systems are found around the world. There are two types: public and private. The public system is held by the government, while the private system is held by enterprises. The government, through taxation, is able to give health places to all the population. It also seeks to improve the health of communities by promoting healthy lifestyles andpublic campaigns of education and research. The government must evaluate the health needs of people; investigate about possible risks for human health and trying to prevent them. They should try to manage resources to ensure that its services reach as many people as possible. But it’s true that in many countries public health systems do not cover all the necessary treatments, because of the expensivemachinery that is needed. That is why every country needs a private health system, in order to cover the treatments which are really expensive. It depends on the country if they have private or public, in some cases they have more than one and less than the other, or the other way round. They also can have an equilibrated mixture of both, or only one of them.
For a deeper analysis and in orderof being able of providing some examples, the list of countries that I chose is:
* From America (grabbing them all together): United States, Canada and Haiti.
* From Europe: Germany, Spain and Britain.
* From Africa: Libya, Zambia and South Africa
* From Asia: Japan and Bangladesh
* From Oceania: Australia
In America I chose two opposite countries to demonstrate how thedevelopment of each really influences in their health system. In United States, one of the most developed countries in the world, medicine is from a really high quality. We have to mention that it’s really expensive, both systems, but as a developed country it shows the technological advance it made. In the case of Haiti, we are talking about one of the poorest countries in America. Although theyalso have a public and private system, you can compare the resources they have to the ones that United States have.
In Europe all countries are developed, but when talking about health systems they have their differences. Some countries only have a public health system, like Britain. In that case the private sector is so small that it’s given little importance. British government provides and...
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