Historia 2 semestre

Páginas: 4 (807 palabras) Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2010
Study guide for the 2nd partial exam.
1. Why did Europeans countries dominate Africa, Asia, and Southeast Asia, as well as the USA dominated parts of Latin America?
They dominatethem by the imperialism and by the thought that they are really superior.

2. What were the Opium Wars and when were they fought? Who won them?
The opium wars were wars that the British provoke tohave more trade with china, by selling the Chinese a drug called opium. They were between the Chinese and the British, the British won.
The wars were fought in china the .1839-1842

3. What was theresult of the Opium Wars for the country that lost them?
They have to give the British territories, the trade rights & extra territories rights. The Chinese have to open the trade with theBritish.

4. What was the Meiji Era and where did it occur? What changes were made in the country?
It was the era of the young emperor. His reign was called enlighten rule
the changes were:
Society-women were allowed to get an education
Economy- the land was given to peasants, peasants were tax, government help private investors (very quickly industrialization)
Military- new army (copied fromGermany)
It took 20 years to modernize

5. Who was the Emperor during the Meiji Era?

6. Who was the American that forced Japan to open to trade? How did he ‘convince’ them to trade?
MathewPerry (an US commodore), he send a letter from the us president , and by military pressure.

7. Colonialism in India: what were the benefits and the costs of British Rule?benefits | costs |
* Order and stability * Better government * Railroads * Communication system * Schools & hospitals * Democracy * Outlaw thesuicide ritual | * Local industries were destroyed * Starvation, taxes & cash crops * Poverty * Unemployment, servants on their own house |

8. Who were the “sepoys” and why did...
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