
Páginas: 2 (280 palabras) Publicado: 29 de julio de 2012
* Location: This city is also called city of Mexico, in the southern part of North America this country is located
* Los mayas:The Mayans which they bloomed between the years 300-900of was. But suddenly they went to ruin and they disappeared. 200 years in Chichén Itzá resurged later but more debilitated, in which it is known like Post-clasic Period. The metalwork washighly outpost and the metallurgy of well-known affluent copper. Its architecture is most perfect of the new world, with decorations in reliefs, paintings and openworks. The writing surpassesto the remaining American writings. Between the many mesoamericans cities that founded, two were of most important and whose ruins exist: Tikal in the forests of the Petén (Guatemala) andChichén Itzá in Yucatan (Mexico)
* Population: The largest city in Mexico has a population of over 20 million people, making it the largest metropolitan area in the western hemisphereand the third largest in the world by population according to the United Nations.
* Language: different language are spoken in Mexic , one of them as Spanish and 67 indigenouslanguages ​​are national languages, but there is no officially recognized language.
* Agricultural productions: for their coffee, cacao and fruit of excellent quality isinternationally known.
* Example:Pineapple, watermelon, melon

* Gastronomy: The corn, a variety of spices such as chili, red meat, beans, tomato, onion and partly the use ofcactus are the primary elements of Mexican food.
* corn-based food: Tortillas, tamales, atole, toast, chubby, enchilada, sope, huchepo, corunda, pozole, pinole, tejuino
* chilebased food: Mole, chile relleno sauce.
* meat based food: Tinga, mixiote, pork, sausage, crop.


.Cristina Gonzales
.Ronald López
.Mayela medina
.Jairo Fuentes
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