
Páginas: 2 (272 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2012

In the year of 1946, many ideas started to blow, things were said to the people of many different countries, but the main thing that was said, was theimportant of going against the North American imperialism, the need of a different kind of government is so important for a change in our lifes, a change for ourcountry.

Austria, is part of the Party of the European Socialist scince 1945, where all the ideas are being congress pushed for greater democratisation and powersfor Parliament, including the right to have certain kinfd of things which are mainly for the poeple to have more freedom in their oun lifes, so things like, havinga decent work, a social security, democracy and equality between the European countries economy. What my country is looking forward, is to make and organize theeconomic sistema we have, so this way, we will be able to satisfy the different kind of human needs and demands, by our selves or with just a Little help.

Theproduction, distribution and exchange as a strategy for implementing socialism, are some of the things that Austria is concerned about, my delegation wants the compleatpacefully organization of everithing inside the country, so this way we will be able to have a better knowdlege of the things happening around of our economicsistem, trades, and more, also people will be able to live a Little more better, by our own and different competitive productions.

"Franz Jonas." EncyclopædiaBritannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/305826/Franz-Jonas>.
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