
Páginas: 2 (304 palabras) Publicado: 27 de noviembre de 2012
Six were the Spanish writers who have won a Literature Nobel Prize:
* Vicente Alexaindre was a poet of the Generation of 27. He was elected academic in 1949 and he joined the RoyalSpanish Academy in 1950. In 1977 he finally won the Literature Nobel Prize.
* Jacinto Benavente was a playwright, director, screenwriter and producer of Spanish cinema. He received the NobelPrize in 1922.
* Camilo José Cela was a Spanish writer. He did a lot of things like be journalist, essayist, editor of literary magazines and lecturer. He was academic in the Royal SpanishAcademy for 45 years and awarded with the Cervantes Prize,’The Prince of Asturias prize for letters, and the Nobel Prize in 1987.
* José Echegaray was a Civil, channels and ports engeneer,mathematician, playwright and Spanish politician. He won the Literature Nobel Prize in 1904.
* Juan Ramón Jimenez was a Spanish poet. He won the Nobe Prize in 1956.
* Mario Vargas Llosais one of the most remarkable comtemporary novelists and essayist. He’s from Peru but he obtained Spanish citizenship in 1993. He won the Literature Nobel Prize in 2010.

I haven’t readalmost any of the books of these writers but I am familiar with the last Spanish Literature Nobel Prize Mario Vargas Llosa, when he won that prize I was in school so that I had to read a lot ofinformation about him. We read some stories of his books and discussed them in class.I don’t know almost anything about the other writers but I think they deserve the prize.

Nobel Prize.
This award is granted as last will of AlfredNobel. It is said that he felt guilty because he became rich through the dynamite industy and because he wanted his name to transcend. Nobel signed his will in 1895.

Premios Príncipe de Asturias
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