Ingles 5

Páginas: 3 (572 palabras) Publicado: 3 de agosto de 2010
Date: July 2010 |

Activity 1 First Conditional.

If the children behave themselvesgood, it will take them to the cinema.
If this weekend does not rain, I will wash the car.
I will not have money, if I am not going to work the weekend
If I gain the lottery myself, I will buy amansion.
If I spend the Englishman's examination, ire to McAllen of walk

Activity 2 Review of the Second Conditional.

If I won the lottery, I would buy my own airplane.
If I were you, I wouldrespect my parents more.
My brother would be sad if the dog died.
If my car had wings, I would be able to fly over the traffic.
If his hair were red, she looks completely different

Activity # 3.The use of usually and used to.

There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't.
I'm used to living on my own. I've done it for quite a long
Hans has lived in Englandfor over a year so he is used to
driving on the left now.
They've always lived in hot countries so they aren't used to
the cold weather here.
She has started working nights and isstill getting used to
sleeping during the day.

Activity # 4. Quantifiers: a lot, much, many, plenty of, a little, a few, any, none, etc.

There are many people in Canada, more in the USA,but the most people live in China.
In the United States much time and money is spent on education, more on health services but the most is spent on national defense.
Few cities in Europearen’t polluted.
Fewer people die young in Mexico now than in the nineteenth century.
Give that snake the least opportunity and it will bite you.

Activity # 5. Use of articles: a, an, the and nonarticle.

Let's watch the TV, This means a specific TV.
If you say, Let's buy a house, this means any house rather than a specific house.
First, thing of what your interests are in a...
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