Jesus Calma Las Tormentas

Páginas: 2 (399 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2012
Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 4:35-41

* Jesus rebukes His disciples for fearfulness and little faith.

* They have not lost complete confidence in Christ, but neither have they learned norfully developed trust in Him.

* They are at ease only when they hear Him speak and see Him taking care of them. They have so little faith that, when the moment of need comes, it is not enough togive them peace and calm.

* The disciples are not totally faithless in this incident, as they called for Christ to save them. They know from what they had seen of His supernatural power that Heis able to calm the storm, but they fall short in failing to realize and fully believe that it makes no difference whether Christ is asleep or awake—He is still the Son of God.

* They shouldhave considered that the Father would not allow His faithful Son to drown in a sinking boat.

* After all, He is the One who, ages before, had "shut in the sea with doors, . . . [and] said, 'Thisfar you may come but no farther'" (Job 38:8, 11). Gen. 1:9-10

* His followers do not apply their little faith. Faith and fear cannot exist together, for fear paralyzes faith.

Questions forreflection:
In what ways do you care for your Children?
In what ways do you care for your extended family?
In what way do you care for the people at Church.?
In what ways does Jesus care for you?Marcos 4:35-41
El UNICO que calma las tormentas
* Cuando la tormenta se presento, la duda y el miedo se apodero de los discipulos.

* El miedo en los momentos dificiles, paraliza nuestra FeSalmo 23:4
Salmo 46:1-3

* Clamando por ayuda? En quien Confias?:
Amigos, Dinero, Otros dioses, estudios, trabajo, en tus propias fuerzas.

* No importa si Cristo estaba dormido oDespierto, el es el HIJO DE DIOS
Genesis 1:9-10, Job 38:8-11

* Que tormentas estas enfrentando hoy?
Adicciones: Tabaco, Alcohol, Drogas
Probemas Matrimoniales
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