
Páginas: 3 (692 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2012
Judge ( Daniela Quezada
Fiscal ( Ana Carolina Tapia
Lawyer ( Paola Meza
Acussed ( Cristobal Navarrete
Witness ( Camila Larenas

Dani: Good Morning My name is Daniela Quezada and im going to bede judge today Friday 3rd of August . we are going to start the court case, its for femicide de la señora Bernardita Castro de 30 años. Inicia la corte.

Fiscal: los acontecimientos se registraronen domicilio de la comuna de Providencia alrededor de las 1 de la madrugada, vecinos aseguran haber escuchado gritos alarmantes, se le acusa al señor Juan Gonzalez de haber apuñalado y asesinado a suesposa, Bernardita Castro. Señor Juez pido su autorización para que Don Juan Gonzales pase al estrado.

Juan: (name and rut)

Dani: swear to tell the truth, only truth and nothing but the truth?juan: yes, i swear

Fiscal: Cómo se llevaba con su esposa?

Juan: Mm. Not very well, but I loved her.

Fiscal: Solía discutir con su esposa a menudo?

Juan: Mm... not always.

Fiscal: Almenos una vez al día?

Juan: yes.

Fiscal: Alguna vez las peleas pasaron a ser agresiones físicas?

Juan: the truth is that not only I beat her, she also beat me but nothing serious

Fiscal:Golpeó alguna vez a su esposa sí o no?

Juan: yes

Fiscal: Ok. He terminado con el interrogatorio

Abogado: Magistrate, could you let me interrogate to my client?

Dani: si, proceda

Abogado:but first let me present to my client. He is mr Juan Gonzalez, and he’s accused for femicide. ok mr Juan, Could you tell me what exactly happened that night?

Juan: Sure, just was coming homearound 1 am, I went to the room and found the body of Bernadette full of blood, then I called an ambulance and police arrived, I didn’t know what to do, the truth I was very nervous.

abogado: Whatwere you doing before that?

Juan: had just arrived from a meeting with friends near my house.

Abogado: so, you were not at home when your wife was abused and after that, killed?

Juan: of...
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