La Muralla De Hadriano

Páginas: 2 (347 palabras) Publicado: 11 de junio de 2012

The Wall was built following a visit by the Emperor Hadrian to the area in 122 AD. In a period of growing problems in the Limits of Empire, not only in this area, but alsoin Egypt, Judea, Libya, Mauritania and other areas conquered by his predecessor Trajan. Hadrian inaugurated a policy to reimpose order on the frontier. Obviously, a wall of such proportions should helpachieve this goal, while it was not a clear symbol of the might of the Empire.

Hadrian's wall was about 117 kilometers long, and its original height and width could vary according to the stretch,as the construction materials used. To the east of the river Irthing the Wall, built in stone, was 3 meters wide by 6 high, was made of peat and millions of tons of stone. The Wall had garrisons ofauxiliary troops (non-Legionnaires) whose number was about 9,000 men, both cavalry and infantry.
After the death of Hadrian in 138, the wall temporarily lost his duties as the new emperor, AntoninusPius, the border moved 160 kilometers to the north, and built a new wall in Scotland today. This, the Antonine Wall, was 61 miles long and was built with peat. Despite the significant military resourcesallocated to this new wall, Antoninus Pius was unable to tame the northern tribes, and his successor Marcus Aurelius was forced to leave, returning to place the limit on the wall of Hadrian.
In thelate fourth century, barbarian invasions, economic crisis of the empire, and political instability and military irreversibly weakened the Roman presence in Britain. Around the year 410 AD both theadministration and the Roman legions and belonged to the memory, and Britain was left to his own mercy. The fittings originally foreign, were already built by Briton local staff, so its military wasfading with time. Current archaeological excavations reveal that certain parts of the wall were inhabited until well into the V century, but later these settlements were abandoned and left unprotected...
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