Learning Disability

Páginas: 10 (2425 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012
Running title: GASTRITIS

Susana Argumedo
Dr. Sharon Souter

April 16, 2012
“I remember that it was like lava coming from my stomach. I felt so terrible, and I did not know what to do because the pain was coming from inside of me. It was not something that you can put a band –aid on and then go to the hospital. Then I got really scared when I threw up all I’veeaten.” This is the testimony of a person who suffered from gastritis when she was 14 years old. Like her, many people suffer from this disease. The factor that prompted gastritis in this person was unhealthy eating habits, “I would come back from school and eat chips with hot sauce and coke, and in the afternoon I would eat at McDonald’s or Burger king.” Eating junk food or eating at fast foodrestaurants has become a serious problem for the American population. These types of food increase the risk for many other diseases in the cardiovascular and digestive system, which, as a result affect many other systems in the body. The worst problem from this is that it is affecting young populations. Cases of diabetes mellitus or digestive system diseases are seen in very young children, most of themcause by inadequate food habits. As stated by Pereira A. Mark and colleagues, “From its origins, in the late 1950s, fast food has grown into a dominant dietary pattern, with a current estimate of about 247,115 restaurants in the USA. Consumption of fast foods by children has risen from 2%of total energy in the late 1970s to 10% of energy in the late 1990s”. It is reported that gastritis represents2 million doctor visits a year. Gastritis is more common in people over 60, people eat way too alcohol, people taking corticosteroids or other medications that cause gastritis, or people who take aspirin or NSAIDs in high doses or for long periods times. These causes, among other aspects of gastritis will be discussed.

According to the book Understanding Pathophysiology,gastritis is defined as “an inflammatory disorder of the gastric mucosa. It can be acute or chronic and affect the fundus or antrum or both (p946).” Gastritis can be developed by to factors: the predisposing factors and the precipitating factors. Among the predisposing factors are the unhealthy eating habits as well as the excessive alcohol intake. Precipitating factors include the chronic use ofNSADs or aspirin, the bacteria H. Pylori, bile reflux, and stress. As either or both of these two factors continue the gastric membrane becomes edematous and congested with blood. Then the gastric mucosa undergoes gastric obstruction, this leads to a reduce amount of gastric juices is secreted with low acid but increased mucus secretions. Finally, a superficial laceration in the gastric walldevelops.
Types of Gastritis
Gastritis has several classifications: acute, chronic, erosive and atrophic.
Acute gastritis erodes the surface epithelium in a localized pattern. These erosions are usually superficial. It usually results from injuries to the mucosal lining of the stomach caused by medications or alcohol. The gastric mucosal lesions are characterized by edema and congestion confined tothe epithelium. Acute gastritis is accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates compounds, particularly neutrophils. Acute gastritis is a completely curable disease, especially if treated on time by an expert physician. Symptoms of acute gastritis appear suddenly and they present inflammation of the mucosa. Symptoms can be caused by infection, toxic substances prolonged use of certain medications suchas aspirin, and certain food allergies. The severity of the injury depends on several factors including the original cause, the amount ingested and the time that has been in contact with the gastric mucosa.
“Chronic gastritis tends to occur in elderly individuals and causes thinning and degeneration of the stomach wall (Huether, p. 947).” It can be further divided into two types: type A or...
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