Lecturas De Ingles

Páginas: 2 (346 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2012
Flour of wolf, fox and bear


One day the Wolf, the Fox and the Bear harvested the crop.
The Wolf started to sort the crop.

The grains went in the first pile, thechaff into the second and the straw into the third pile.

Then the Bear asked how the crop would be shared between them. "The biggest of us gets the biggest pile", the fox said. "Verywell", the Bear and the Wolf said.

So the Bear got the biggest pile, that is the straws. The Wolf had the second biggest pile, the chaff, and the Fox had the smallest pile, the seeds.After that they went to the mill to grind their shares.

The Bear’s stones said "wheeze wheeze" and the Wolf’s stones said "wheeze wheeze", but the Fox’s stones said "rumble rumble"."Why do your stones say "rumble rumble"? Our stones say "wheeze wheeze"", the Wolf asked.
"I threw some crushed rock between my stones. Why don’t you throw crushed rock between yourstones", said the Fox.

Then the Wolf’s and the Bear’s stones started to say "rumble rumble".

After the Wolf and the Bear got their corn crop ground, they thought a bit and looked attheir flour.
They asked: "Why is your flour so light and ours so dark?"

"I soaked it in the foaming river,' the Fox answered.

The Bear and the Wolf went to the river and soaked theflour there.
Finally they had only a little flour left, most of it went in to the river.

Then they cooked porridge. After that they sniffed and tasted the porridge. The Bear and theWolf asked: "Why is your porridge so light and ours so dark?"

"Well, I went to the top of the chimney and melted some fat from my tail and put it on top of the porridge."
The Wolfand the Bear went to the top of the chimney and became all black and they sneezed and they caught the Fox and gave him a good beating.

And that’s what happened to the Fox.

The End
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