Lic. Rel. Internales.

Páginas: 3 (619 palabras) Publicado: 25 de septiembre de 2012
Process used to create the WMS Functional Strategy
1. Functional Strategy is needed before we begin the Conference Room Pilot. It outlines what the needs are and explains how those needs will beachieved using the WMS Dispatcher system.
a) “As-Is” Model, “To-Be” Model, narratives for both models. Each narrative will describe the Base Case.
b) Exceptions - Another section in thatdocument will list each exception/special situation for that functional area. It will also outline the procedures/logic put in place to handle that exception/special situation.

2. Initial setupdiscussion – Satish, Bill, John, Gerry, and Todd will meet with Red Prairie to discuss elements of the System that span functional areas (Ex. How will Multi-Site functionality be used).
a) Multi-Sitefunctionality
b) Customization strategy – Build on initial work sessions to discuss what customizations will be included in this solution.
i) Discuss what Standard functionality will be used toreplace existing customizations (Ex. Clustering).
ii) Discuss what bolt-on functionality will be included in this solution.
c) Reporting
i) Management reporting, Operational reportingii) Methods of fulfilling the two types of reporting needs
1) Red Prairie Dashboard/Standard reports
2) Custom Reports
3) Reports that are part of the bolt-onfunctionality
4) Ad-hoc reporting

3. On the Dal-Tile side Satish, Bill, John, and Gerry will put together a functional strategy document (Base Case, exception list) for each functional area. It isimportant to have this document created before beginning any discussions with staff from each of the RDCs.
a) This team will review existing process flows for all RDCs against the new Dispatchersystem Features and Functions document, Dispatcher User Guide.
b) Make sure that the Base Case addresses each of the known exceptions for that functional area (Ex. In Receiving - Excess receipts...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas