Lingüistic Essay

Páginas: 8 (1967 palabras) Publicado: 10 de marzo de 2013
I want to say thank you to my theaters that helped me to research and for giving me the enough sources of information to make this task better.

Also I’m grateful with my colleagues because they guided me when I had a question.

Dedicated to Sara Rios Mexicano

Introduction 4

Development 5
(What is language?)
(On a general level, there is a classification oflanguage) 6-7
--animal language
--human language
--natural language

(What is needed for the language using?)
-- El Idioma 8
-- El habla


Conclusion 9

Bibliography 10

In this small book readers will seehow important it is to know the meaning of "language" and what we need to use language. The language is made up of several parts, while you may notice that the language is related to “language” “habla” and the idioma “and together they create a specific purpose as these components play very important roles in.

The language is one way that humans have to communicate. This is a set of signs, bothoral and written, that through their meaning and their relationship allow expression and human communication.

Language is the way that allows making possible through different and complex functions performed by the brain. These functions are related to what termed as linguistic intelligence and memory. The complexity of language is one of the major differences that separate man from animals,although the animals also communicate with each other.

What knowledge of language is needed for us to use language?

First we need to know what knowledge to use a language we understand the concept and meaning of language. Because you have to know the meaning of the language in order to know what is needed to use the language

What is language:
Object of study of linguistics that is thehuman ability to associate meanings to certain concepts is an element of the construction of human thought and considered one of the main means of communication.
The language is understood as that form human beings have to communicate. This is a set of signs, both oral and written, that through their meaning and their relationship allow expression and human communication.
Language is possiblethrough different and complex functions performed by the brain. These functions are related to what termed as linguistic intelligence and memory. The complexity of language is one of the major differences that separates man from animals, since although the latter also communicate with each other, they do so through different means instinctive related to conditions that have little to do with some kindof intelligence as human.

Saussure says that,” in the first defines language as a product of the faculty of language, "la lengua”is not confused with the language”. “La lengua” is only a certain part of the language, but essential. It is both a social product faculty of language ... ". Put in first place determinated part of the language although essential. the fact of language, then thelanguage as a result of it on the part of individuals”.

Another feature of language is that it begins to develop and grounded from pregnancy, and it is set according to the individual's relationship with the world around him. Thus, learning to speak, to listen and understand certain sounds and not others, planning what is to communicate in a way quite particular.

As we know there are manydifferent languages, which we refer to the diversity of languages ​​that exist around the world. Researchers have not yet found any primitive language that behaves like the mother of all others, however, they have developed several hypotheses to explain language as the result of certain psychophysical relations that arise from the sensations, both visual and hearing. Another hypothesis branch is poses...
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