
Páginas: 4 (845 palabras) Publicado: 11 de diciembre de 2010

The story starts when three witches plan a meeting with Macbeth. Then there is a lightning and the witches disappear in the darkness.
Then, Duncan, king of Scotland, receives a manwho is dying which tells him that Macbeth has killed Macdonald, Thane of Cawdor. So, Duncan decides to name Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor.
Later, the three witches appeared and Macbeth andBanquo too. The witches tell Macbeth that he is now Thane of Cawdor, while he didn’t knew it. Then a messenger tells Macbeth that he is the new Thane of Cawdor.
Macbeth and his army go with Duncan and hewelcomes them and says that Malcolm it had to be named as Prince of Cumberland.
The king spends the night at Glamis castle to celebrate their victory. Macbeth invites the king and the army to abanquet.
Lady Macbeth starts to read a card from his husband, which says that all the people say Macbeth that he is going to be the king. So she told him that he should kill King Duncan because hehas the opportunity. But Macbeth refuses and after a while he accepts. When they were all sleeping he entered to the king’s bedroom, he saw a knife over the king and Macbeth got scared, but he killedthe king and all the guards. He returns to sleep and he tells her wife that he has made the work.
The next day they find the king’s body and his son’s run away thinking that they were going to bekilled. Later Macbeth is the new king of Scotland; but Banquo and Macduff suspect of him. When Banquo had gone with his son, he prepares people to kill Banquo and his son to not fulfil the prophecy of thewitches which says that Banquo is going to have eight descents. The murderers kill Banquo but his son escapes.
When the banquet of the new king starts, Macbeth sew Banquo’s ghost and starts toshout, so his wife says that it is for a moment. Then it happen the same and Lady Macbeth call Macduff, which is not in Scotland.
The three witches are planning a new appear with Macbeth. A soldier...
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