
Páginas: 6 (1300 palabras) Publicado: 28 de agosto de 2011
Universidad del Valle de México

Topic: Mandala
Student: Karen Haaz Pérez
Teacher: Paulina

Date: 6/06/11

Page 1 | Title Page |
Page 2 | Contents |
Page 3 | Hypothesis |
Page 4 | Literature Review |
Page 5 | Literature Review |
Page 6 | Variables |
Page 7 | Variables |
Page 8 | Conclusion |
Page 9 | Point of View |
Page10 | Bibliography |Hypothesis

“Mandala is a way to express our feelings”

I choose this hypothesis because in every article I read the most important point they always highlight was that in every different way you see or draw or make a mandala is a way to express emotions to express sentiments or anything that we had inside us that can´t easily go out.

In different psychology test you usually “now” what type oftests they are going to apply to you, for instance with the mandala you have no idea of what is the thing they are consider to evaluate you.

Once, I read an article that say that every sickness that you have is because a negative emotion, and with a recent article I read said that drawing mandalas keeps your hands occupied and relieves stress. It said that smokers that are trying to quitsmoking drawing this exercise help them to quit. So is an efficient tool we can use if we have a problem. That´s why I choose this topic because it can help a lot of people that has an stress life.

Literature Review

Book: “La luz del Mandala “ | This Book explains the definition and how it works if you color a mandala, this book help me to prove if coloring helps to express feelings. Andactually it worked, I got relaxed and unstressed. This book helps in my research in a positive way. |
Javier ( creator of mandala with wires) | He sells mandalas made of wire, he explains that every movement that you do, express different feelings. And it has different meanings, I like it because you don´t color anything and you don’t draw in sand anything either you just move the wires in order toform a geometrical pattern. I interview him and I got lots of answers I didn´t found on the internet or in the book I have | | This web page explains what Carl Jung says and specifies what a mandala is, how it works if you use it in sand, explains the theory of “micro to macro” and how mandalas appear in architecture and almost in all figures of life. || This web page was helpful because it taught me how the mandalas in buddhism were and how it worked it also explains the origin of the mandala and all the meaning of each part of it. Explains how the monks memorize each detail of the mandala as part of their monastery's training program. It is important to note that the mandala is explicitly based on the Scriptural texts. Each monk keeps to hisquadrant while painting the square palace. Explains the color symbolism of mandalas, The symbolic gesture of offering the world and its goods using fingers. | | In this article I learned that people that has cancer or is in terminal illness The University of California at Irvine Cancer Center and the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center are just two cancer centers thathave offered mandala workshops to cancer survivors. I also found that people who are trying to quit smoking for the same reason that many smokers take up knitting when they quit. Coloring mandalas keeps your hands occupied and relieves stress. You can bring your mandala book with you so you can pick it up for a several minutes at a time whenever you have the urge to smoke. |

Mandalais a way to express our feelings
Mandala | Feelings |
You can color it according with the book “La Luz del Mandala” | Harmonizes body soul spirit and brings confidence peace and security according with “La Luz del Mandala” |
You can create one with wires according with Javier “creator of mandala wires” | Use to see art, appreciate science, religion and life according with “ La Luz del...
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