
Páginas: 7 (1681 palabras) Publicado: 8 de julio de 2012
Science Vocabulary Words: ciencia
* Aerobiology – The study of organicparticles that are transported by the air. It is also branch of biology.
* Amphibian – a type ofvertebrate that lives a portion of its life in water and another part on land.
* Astronomy – the scientific study of heavenly bodies
* Atmosphere –the blanket of gases surrounding the earth.
* Bacteria –one-celled living organisms. They have no nucleus in their cells
* Biology – the scientific study of living things
* Botany – the scientific study of plants
* Cardiology – the scientific study of the heart
* Carbon cycle – the constant exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen among living things
* Carnivore – an organism that eats other animals
* Cryology - the scientific study ofvery low temperatures and its related phenomena
* Cell – The smallest unit of living matter
* Climate –The prevailing weather conditions of a region.
* Dermatology -the scientific study of the skin
* Earthquake – the shaking of the earth’s crust and mantle
* Ecosystem – the group of living and non-living things in an environment.
* Electricity –a form of energy produced fromthe active energies of wind, water, oil, or coal.
* Embryology – the scientific study of embryos
* Erosion – the weathering away of rock pieces.
* Evaporation - The process by which a liquid changes into a gas
* Evolution – a change in a population’s gene pool from one generation to another generation by such processes such as natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift.
*Galaxy – a collection of stars
* Gravity – the pull of the earth
* Geology – the scientific study of the earth
* Habitat – the place where an animal or plant resides and grows.
* Hematology – The scientific study of the blood
* Herbivore – an organism that eats plants and other producers
* Hibernate – to enter into a deep sleep or dormant condition during the winter
*Histology – the scientific study of living tissues
* Humus – a decayed animal or plant in the soil
* Hurricane – a large storm with a low pressure at its center
* Immunology – the scientific study of the immune system
* Invertebrate –an animal without a backbone
* Lunar Eclipse – the covering of the moon as it passes through the earth’s shadow.
* Mammal – a warm-bloodedvertebrate
* Meteorite – a mass of stone from space and hits the surface of the moon or earth.
* Meteorology – the scientific study of the weather
* Microbiology – the scientific study of micro-organisms
* Oceanology – the scientific study of oceans
* Omnivore – an organism that eats both animals and plants
* Opthalmology – the scientific study of the eyes
* Ornithology – thescientific study of birds
* Parasitism – a relationship in which an organism lives in other organism and benefits from that relationship. The other organism is harmed.
* Parasitology - the scientific study of parasites
* Photosynthesis – the food-making process of plants
* Physiology – the scientific study of the functions of living organisms
* Pollution – harmful substancesfound in land, water, or air
* Precipitation –water particles that fall from the atmosphere and reach the earth’s surface
* Psychology -the scientific study of mental processes in living creatures
* Planet – a heavenly body revolving around the sun
* Reptile – A vertebrate with thick and dry skin. They are egg-laying organisms.
* Sexology – the scientific study of sex
* Star– a self-luminous heavenly body
* Solar Eclipse – the covering of the sun when the moon passes between the sun and the earth
* Solar System – the group that comprises the sun and the objects that are revolving around it
* Symbiosis – a relationship between two organisms that persists over time
* Tocology – the scientific study of childbirth
* Tornado – a violent storm of...
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