Nipon Kempo

Páginas: 7 (1669 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013


Fernando Daniel Rosales Gómez #33 T/V 1ºC

Nippon Kempo

The search for Nippon Kempo is the origin of the old remote or Kodai Sumo Sumo, according to the book. "Kojiki" which contains the history and mythology of Japan, written by Yasumaro Ohno, dc 712, faced no Kami and Takeminakata Takemikazuchi no Kami, the latter applied a projection techniquewhereby key takedown Takeminakata no Kami.

In the year 726 AD, Sumai technique was too dangerous, so they banned contact techniques and corrected certain permitted techniques, this new discipline is given rise to the current Sumo. With Sumai was led to Jujitsu, and is, created the following disciplines: Judo, Aikido and Nippon Kempo.

During the Nara period (710-794), the Sumo was consideredthe protection of the imperial family, instituting the Sintorismo Festival, which consisted of powers before the emperor, winners became part of the imperial guard. But, during the Heian period (794-1192), the Sumo was imposed as a very popular sport fun. But the emperor prefrió maintain the ancient technique of Sumai, as a symbol of military force.
On reaching the Kamakura era (1192-1333), theprevailing mentality was that of Bushi (Samurai) strong and disciplined, adapting to Sumai. In wars and armed attacked the Samurai armor, however often fought melee. The technique was very efficient Sumai war, which evolved and spread.

During the Muromachi and Azuchi Momoyama (1336-1603), the Sumai was very popular in Japan, in the social and political issue. The chief also was spreading andforming more stable.

After a period of civil war in Japan. In the Edo period (1603-1868), Japan began to have a quiet life. Samurai in martial arts training in Kendo concentrated, however, there is always the need to learn techniques with weapons or without weapons. A Chinese man named Chin Gen Pin, who emigrated to Japan as in 1621. Years later in 1628, moves and techniques I teach Chinese threepeople Fukui, Isogal and Miura, who soon after founded three schools of martial arts.

It seems that these techniques influenced other Japanese martial arts (jujutsu). During the Edo period, there were over a hundred different schools of martial arts styles.

In 1876, the new Japanese government banned the people carrying swords or any other weapon, to bring peace among the people, so thatpeople do not need to learn martial arts or self defense, although some people if they came to practice. However, the Japanese army and police of necessity practiced martial arts.
Kuroyama Takamaro Master (1895 - 1977) belonged to the fourth generation of school Martial Arts (Budo Senmon Gako). He taught judo in Osaka police and president of Koka-Kai.

By the year 1925, the master Kuroyama saidand regretted that he was forgetting this technique very effective punches and kicks (Atemi-waza), contact coup.

The teacher asked the Kuroyama Takamaro Sawayama Masaru (1906-1977), who was a college student who was practicing judo and the teacher Kuroyama, to conduct and investigate the art of Atemi-waza with a safe training techniques. Nevertheless certain problems existed.

The Japanesemartial art Atemi-waza, whose main training kata, which have numbered their movements with attacks and defenses, using the technique applied also couples.

The shock of contact is very dangerous, you need training Katas Katas although movements are dodging away and makes movements for exhibitions prettiest. It is necessary to seek a freer training, using techniques Atemi-waza.

Because pureKata was insufficient to recreate the actual technique, Professor Sawayama and his followers in 1930, created three combat training:

1. Yakusoku Kumite (example CHIGEKI NO KATA).
2. JYU KUMITE (eg NO KATA CHIGEKI unnumbered).
3. SHINKEN kumite (sparring such as the current but Bogu.)

In 1932, gathered a hundred practitioners of this discipline. Within Koka-Kai, and gave him the name "Dai...
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