Nombre De Los Paises En Ingles

Páginas: 5 (1238 palabras) Publicado: 5 de julio de 2012
Alemania | .de | Germany |
▶ Amazon: Tu guía a en español – cómo ordenar – los envíos internacionales |
Andorra | .ad | Andorra |
Angola | .ao | Angola x |
Anguila | .ai | Anguilla |
Antártico | .aq | Antarctica x |
Antigua y Barbuda | .ag | Antigua and Barbuda x |
Antillas Nederlandesas | .an | Netherlands Antilles x |
Arabia Saudita | .sa |Saudi Arabia x |
Argelia | .dz | Algeria x |
Argentina | .ar | Argentina x |
Armenia | .am | Armenia x |
Aruba | .aw | Aruba x |
Australia | .au | Australia x |
Austria | .at | Austria x |
Azerbaiyán | .az | Azerbaijan |
Bahamas | .bs | Bahamas x |
Bahréin | .bh | Bahrain x |
Bangladesh | .bd | Bangladesh |
Barbados | .bb | Barbados x |
Bélgica | .be| Belgium x |
Belice | .bz | Belize x |
Benín | .bj | Benin x |
Bermudas | .bm | Bermuda x |
Bielorrusia | .by | Belarus |
Bolivia | .bo | Bolivia x |
Bonaire, San Estaquio y Saba | .bq | Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba x |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | .ba | Bosnia-Herzegovina x |
Botsuana | .bw | Botswana |
Brasil | .br | Brazil x |
Brunéi Darussalam | .bn |Brunei Darussalam |
Bulgaria | .bg | Bulgaria x |
Burkina Faso | .bf | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | .bi | Burundi |
Bután | .bt | Bhutan |
▶ Glosario español-inglés del salón de belleza |
Cabo Verde | .cv | Cape Verde x |
Camboya | .kh | Cambodia x |
Camerún | .cm | Cameroon x |
Canadá | .ca | Canada x |
Cataluña | .cat | Catalonia x |
Chad | .td |Chad |
Chile | .cl | Chile x |
China (República Popular) | .cn | China (Peoples Republic of) x |
Chipre | .cy | Cyprus x |
Ciudad del Vaticano | .va | Vatican City State x |
Colombia | .co | Colombia x |
Comoras | .km | Comoros |
Congo (República del) | .cg | Congo (Republic of the) x |
Corea (del Norte) | .kp | Korea (North) x |
Corea (del Sur) | .ko | Korea(South) x |
Costa de Marfil | .ci | Côte d'Ivoire x |
Costa Rica | .cr | Costa Rica x |
Croacia | .hr | Croatia x |
Cuba | .cu | Cuba x |
Curasao | .cw | Curação x |
Dinamarca | .dk | Denmark x |
Dominica | .dm | Dominica x |
Ecuador | .ec | Ecuador x |
Egipto | .eg | Egypt x |
El Salvador | .sv | El Salvador x |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos | .ae | United ArabEmirates x |
Eritrea | .er | Eritrea |
Eslovaquia | .sk | Slovakia x |
Eslovenia | .si | Slovenia x |
España | .es | Spain x |
Estados Unidos (EEUU) | .us | United States of America (USA) |
Estonia | .ee | Estonia x |
Etiopía | .et | Ethiopia |
Filipinas | .ph | Philippines x |
Finlandia | .fi | Finland x |
Fiyi | .fj | Fiji |
Francia | .fr | Francex |
Gabón | .ga | Gabon |
Gambia | .gm | Gambia (The) |
Georgia | .ge | Georgia x |
Ghana | .gh | Ghana |
Gibraltar | .gi | Gibraltar x |
Granada | .gd | Grenada x |
Grecia | .gr | Greece x |
Groenlandia | .gl | Greenland xx |
Guadalupe | .gp | Guadeloupe |
Guam | .gu | Guam |
Guatemala | .gt | Guatemala x |
Guayana Francesa | .gf | FrenchGuiana |
Guernesey | .gg | Guernsey |
Guinea | .gn | Guinea |
Guinea Ecuatorial | .gq | Equatorial Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | .gw | Guinea-Bissau |
Guyana | .gy | Guyana x |
Haití | .ht | Haiti x |
Holanda (Países Bajos) | .nl | Netherlands (Holland) x |
Honduras | .hn | Honduras x |
Hong Kong | .hk | Hong Kong x |
Hungría | .hu | Hungary x |
India | .in |India x |
Indonesia | .id | Indonesia x |
Irán | .ir | Iran x |
Iraq | .iq | Iraq x |
Irlanda del Norte | .uk | Northern Ireland x |
Irlanda | .ie | Ireland x |
Isla Ascensión | .ac | Ascension Island |
Isla de Jersey | .je | Jersey |
Isla de Man | .im | Isle of Man |
Isla de Navidad | .cx | Christmas Island |
Isla Norfolk | .nf | Norfolk Island |...
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