Normas morales

Páginas: 5 (1105 palabras) Publicado: 18 de septiembre de 2012
Tama: Secretor Conclusions.

In 2005 were reported less than a kidnapping per day (0.89), during the first six months of 2010 have been reported, daily, 3.72 offenses of this type. That means a crecmiento of 317%, "according to a study by the Chamber of Deputies, from official figures from various sources.
"However, the complaints are only part of the crimes experienced by citizens. For theperiod 2000-2008 the National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH), based on a study of the Citizen Council for Public Safety and Criminal Justice, held that the kidnapping has no complaint rate of 75%, which means that for every reported kidnapping there are three that are not, "said the report by the Centre for Social Research and Public Opinion (CESOP) of the Chamber of Deputies.
"There isanother calculation, even more pessimistic. According to the Citizens' Institute for Studies on Insecurity (ICESI), based on a national victimization survey in 2007 were committed 6 000 600 kidnappings, which means that for every one of those who were accused were committed another 16 ".
The study Kidnapping: social impact and characteristics of the offense reveals that the kidnappers are, in general,a considerable level of social integration.
In the case of those who committed crimes in the Federal District and Mexico State, they are people, on average 31, with three children, a month before its release deprive a victim, had a paid job , businessman or bureaucrat, and allied with a band with three and nine family members.
Of all the kidnappers, 22% worked for the Armed Forces, the federalpolice or state corporations.
Of those who ever were responsible for the safety and welfare, 59% said they should have had money had escaped arrest.
"In a study from the testimony of several police officers convicted of kidnapping, police institutions to identify arbitrary practices that persist and informal groups that control to an indefinite number of agents.
"And the constant friction thatgives criminals the police knowledge of multiple modes of operation, people involved and the spaces for crime. All this is possible in an institutional context in which there are no internal controls, poor transparency and no professional development, "explains CESOP.
In the case of Profile of the hijackers held in the rest of the country, there is agreement on age, as they have between 22 and35, were mostly drivers or informal trade.
"His criminal career marks an upward spiral of specialization and violence began with robbery, bank robberies continued transport or exchanges and kidnappings. This cycle can be completed in a year or year and a half. "
It is estimated that 30% of the crimes of kidnapping were involved in organized crime, at least it was in 2008.
Based onfigures from the federal Public Security Secretariat (SSP), the government reports, the CNDH, tips and civic institutions in the field, surveys and research conducted within and outside the Centre for Legislative Studies, was also presented profile of victims, which notes that most are young. At the federal level, 42% of the hostages were merchants or businessmen and were between 16 and 30.
"One fifthof the victims were (at the time of abduction) students, and 16% employees. However, victims are usually young, for the broader age group and vulnerable is between 16 and 30 (37%), followed by the group of zero to 15 (14%). "
For these victims, the kidnappers sought a ransom to obtain an average of 9.7 million pesos, which received only 5%, equivalent to 485 thousand pesos.
The number of rescuesdid present a reduction of 30% over 2008, when he demanded up to 14 million pesos for the release.
According to the study, 5% of cases of kidnapping, the victim died.
States with more offenses
From 2007 to June this year, the kidnappings are concentrated in eight states of the Republic: Chihuahua (498), Mexico (413), DF (380), Baja California (287), Michoacan (277), Guanajuato (145) Guerrero...
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