
Páginas: 13 (3241 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2013
Psychiatric Nursing Practice Test Questions with Answer Key
Downloaded from Pinoy RN | www.PinoyRN.co.nr
1. The DSM-IV is a tool utilized for diagnosis I mental health settings. This multi-axial system includes:
a. Nursing and medical diagnosis
b. Frameworks of specific theories
c. Assessments for several areas of functioning
d. Specific critical pathways
2. The nurse meets withthe client daily. The client stays mostly in his room and speaks only when addressed, answering
briefly and abruptly while keeping his eyes on the floor. In this stage of their relationship, the nurse focuses on the
client’s ability to
a. make decisions
b. relate to other clients
c. function independently
d. express himself verbally
3. The client has tearfully described her negative feelings aboutherself to the nurse during their last three interactions.
Which of the following goals would be most appropriate for the nurse to include in the care of plan at this time? The client
a. Increase her self-esteem
b. Write her negative feelings in a daily journal
c. Verbalize her work-related accomplishments.
d. Verbalize three things she likes about herself
4. The most important assessment datafor the nurse to gather from the client in crisis would be:
a. The client’s work habits
b. Any significant physical health data
A past history of any emotional problems in the family
d. the specific circumstances surrounding the perceived crisis situation
5. A female client is admitted for surgery. Although not physically distressed, the client appears apprehensive and alienated.
A nursingaction that may help the client to feel more at ease includes:
a. Telling her that everything is all right
b. Giving her a copy of hospital regulations
c. Orienting her to the environment and unit personnel
d. Reassuring her that staff will be available if she becomes upset
TIP: Paranoid patients frequently use the defense mechanism of projection.
6. On arrival for admission to a voluntary unit, afemale client loudly announces: “Everyone kneel, you are in the presence of
the Queen of England.” This is:
A delusion of self-belief
A delusion of self-appreciation
A nihilistic delusion
A delusion of grandeur
7. A client refuses to eat food sent up on individual trays from the hospital kitchen. The client shouts, “You want to kill me.”
The client has lost 8 pounds in 4 days. Indiscussion of this problem, with the assigned staff member, which statement by
the nurse indicates an accurate interpretation of this client’s needs?
“The client is malnourished and may require tube feedings.”
“The client is terrified. Ask the kitchen to send foods that are not easily contaminated such as baked potatoes
“Continue to observe the client. When the client gets hungry enough, theclient will eat.”
The client appears frightened. Spend more time with the client, showing a warm affection.”
8. The nurse is discussing the orientation phase. The student nurse asks what the primary goal between the nurse and the
client is during this phase. The nurse should respond that the primary goal is to:
Explain unit rules
Establish a relationship
Establish trust and support
d.Formulate a mutual plan of action

9. A nurse is talking with a client who is hearing voices. The nurse states, “The only voices I hear are yours and mine.” This is
an example of:
Presenting reality
10. The parents of a child who had open-heart surgery are informed that their child is in the recovery room and is stable. The
mother is crying. The nurse canbest help allay the mother’s anxiety by:
Reassuring her that their child is doing well
Allowing her to continue to express her feelings
Bringing her and her husband to the recovery unit for several minutes
Encouraging them both to go have a cup of coffee and return in 2 hours
11. A 24-year old man with a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia is admitted to the...
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