
Páginas: 5 (1066 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2012
Yvette Flores
English 93
11:00-12:00 class

My Life Changing Event

There are many events in our lives that impact us in many ways either good or bad. These events have such an impact on us that put upon us the value of life, or the value of those around us. We all have gone through ruff, difficult, struggling, sacrificing, moments in our lives, but at the end most of us aresuccessful or fail but the thought of knowing you gave it your all brings comfort into ones set of mind and life. I personally have had a rough path as a kid in my childhood, i had gone through moving from one place to another, family deaths, personal family problems, meeting and leaving friends, but the one incident that affected and impacted me the most was living in a family where one of yourlove ones had cancer, in my case my mom. This incident not only helped my family get close to each other, but actually value one another and helped us see the importance of being together as a family in the good and the bad. I personally feel this incident had a great impact in my life, I learned the meaning of family.
At the moment of this incident i was 10 years old. My life before that iwouldn't really call it a life in my aspect. More to me it was being in a world with no support, no comfort, lot of struggle, lot of madness, lot of nonsense, but especially no love. My family wasn't really a family, we where all in our own worlds, in our own things, we never cared for each other, never wondered how we where doing, never bothered asking each other anything, simply enough no love. Manypeople saw us as the perfect family, fild with love, joy, happiness, anything that can possibly characterize a perfect family. They didn't know that behind this family that had a smile on their faces when going to church every weekend, and when going to any parties, or get togethers, it was actually a torn apart family that appeared to be who they weren't.
It was really hard for me growing upand not having a visual, a seeing, a meaning of a family. There was no communication with my parents. We did talk but it wasn't that feeling of mother to daughter, and father to daughter.It was like as if i was having a conversation with any person. If i was ever sad i never went to them. I guess i learned to be alone and go to no one when i had a problem, or simply was just not feeling well.When i was feeling sick i never told my parents i was feeling certain way I just let the sickness go away by itself. I can really say i don't remember a time i went to my parents for any help at all. I was growing up and finding my way out of things, how to deal with situations independently. Not mentioning my brothers. They where same as me, most certain they where. I remember the only time myyounger brother came to me and said he felt alone, like if no one cared for him. He broke into tears, i couldn't help but to hug him and tell him that everything was going to be okay, not knowing that everything was going to be okay soon. I will alway remember that day. No tears came into my eyes no feelings what so ever. Until the day that the news came out, my mom had cancer.
This day changed ourlife completely. I remember seeing my parents sad, unsure of what to do, confused, scared for the first time in their lives. Even though i was young i knew this was going to be the turing point in our family. I was young but was well sure of what was going on. I really wish i could explain how i felt. I guess the only clear way of saying it, was that i was afraid, scared, angry, sad, helpless. Ihad never felt like this before. I had never felt so sad seeing my parents this way. Its as if i could feel the pain they where going through just by looking at them. This news changed our lives for good but especially mine.
Family, now to me is the most important thing in my life. I saw the importance of being united with family members especially parents. We grew closer to each other, and i...
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