
Páginas: 11 (2713 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2012
Dental Specialties

Covers areas of dentistry and has established extensive knowledge, therefore, several specialties: Prosthodontic rehabilitation or oral or dental prosthesis, periodontics and periodontology, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, odontogeriatría, maxillofacial surgery or oral surgery, and dentistry are also disciplines as implant dentistry, cosmetic dentistry orcosmetic dentistry, preventive, hospital management, forensic dentistry, oral pathology, dental materials research, oral radiology, orthopedics facial, gnathology, and, among others.
Classification of specialties
* Oral rehabilitation: The oral rehabilitation is a specialty within dentistry that comprehensively combines the areas of fixed prosthesis, removable prosthesis, surgical, and implantocclusion. The diagnosis and treatment plan suited to highly complex patient requiring oral regain their health through modern rehabilitation techniques.
* Preventive dentistry: Preventive dentistry, part of dentistry, is the study or the science that deals with the study and knowledge of the oral environment and its implications in microbiological and immunological preventions of disease,apply fluoride, fluoridation of drinking water. The paste dentífricaLas green tea infusions contain fluoride. Controlling the intake of certain foods is another aspect to consider. Within the non-invasive treatment are the pits and fissures sealed.
* Oral and Maxillofacial surgery: The oral and maxillofacial surgery is a specialty of medicine that deals with prevention, research, diagnosis,treatment and rehabilitation of the pathology of the oral cavity and craniofacial area and cervical structures directly or indirectly with these structures.
The problems attending maxillofacial surgeon facial trauma, cleft lip and palate, oral oncology, craniofacial and cervical, skull base reconstructive surgery. Pathology of salivary glands (benign and malignant tumors, stones, etc), craniofacialdeformities (from mild deformities dentofacial malformation syndromes to large), cervicofacial infectious diseases (boils and abscesses facial and neck), oral implantology (implant placement and dental rehabilitation osteintegrados), third molars (wisdom teeth) or dogs included, maxillofacial cysts, pathology of the oral mucosa and temporomandibular joint (craniomandibular dysfunction).
A tooth that fails to fully through the gum.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
The teeth begin to emerge through the gums (emerge) during infancy and again when the permanent teeth replace the primary teeth (baby teeth).
If a tooth fails to emerge or partially, is considered to be impacted. The wisdom teeth or third set of molars, which are the last teeth to emerge, usually between 17 and21, are the teeth that are impacted more frequently.
An impacted tooth remains stuck in the soft tissue of the gums or bone for various reasons. It may be that the area is just overcrowded and there is no space for the teeth to emerge. For example, the jaw may be too small to fit the molars. Teeth also can be tilted, twisted or displaced as they try to leave, resulting in impacted teethImpacted wisdom teeth are very common and often painless and cause no apparent trouble. However, some professionals believe an impacted tooth pushes the next tooth, which in turn pushes the next, eventually causing a misalignment of the bite. A partially emerged tooth can trap food, plaque and other debris in the surrounding soft tissue, leading to inflammation and tenderness of the gums, as unpleasantmouth odor. This is called pericoronitis.
Signs and tests

The dentist search swollen tissue over the area where a tooth has not come out or has only partially emerged. The impacted tooth may be pressing on adjacent teeth. The gums around the area may show signs of infection such as redness, drainage, and tenderness. As gums swell over impacted wisdom teeth and then drain and tighten, it feels...
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