
Páginas: 2 (385 palabras) Publicado: 2 de octubre de 2012
languages ​​of Mexico
The large number of languages ​​spoken in the Mexican territory of the country possessing one of the most linguistically diverse in the world. In addition to Spanish, whosespeakers in their local varieties constitute the majority language, spoken in Mexico sixty-seven indigenous languages ​​and linguistic groups. For the General Law of Linguistic Rights of IndigenousPeoples which was enacted in 2001, indigenous languages ​​and Spanish languages ​​have been declared national historical in character, so that they have the same force throughout mexicano.1
Therelationship between Spanish and indigenous languages ​​has undergone various times since Europeans arrived in America. In the Mexican case, numerous indigenous languages ​​benefited from the scholarly work ofthe early missionaries evangelizing showed particular zeal to learn the native languages ​​and Christianize the Americans in their own languages. These and other intellectuals in the years after theConquest were the first grammars and vocabularies of languages ​​Nahuatl, Maya, Otomi, Mixtec and Purepecha, among others, and adapted the Latin alphabet to write. In contrast to this interest, manylanguages ​​were lost before they could be studied systematically, because their speakers were assimilated culturally or physically exterminated. So in many cases there are few or no evidence of theirexistence, barely mentions its existence in some writings and small vocabularies. It is estimated that by the seventeenth century, in Mexico more than a hundred languages ​​spoken.
Since theindependence of Mexico, the need arose castellanizar all indigenous peoples, as was seen in linguistic diversity a challenge to integrate into the national society. Until the twentieth century, the onlylanguage of instruction and government was Spanish, the first attempts of literacy in indigenous languages ​​were intended learners acquire writing and then continue the educational process exclusively in...
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