Palabra Mas Larga Del Mundo

Páginas: 2 (399 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2012
Pump the Hiroshingada and buttocks-Aki: during the second world war, the great genius of Einstein invented a new form of powerful energy, atomic energy. But is it was very intelligent and sent aletter with details of the bomb to the Presidency of Gringolandia (place where always an idiot ends ruling, being the case of the peaceful Roosevelt), with so many scientific words that he did notunderstand, it would end the letter in the trash, bouncing up to read the words "explosion, danger, power, large, deadly and seemingly harmless"with this any idearía something malevolent, but Roosevelt wouldseek a good use for this nuclear project (although in the end he would kill a thousand of kids, but since). Photo of the carcacha trying to cope with a Fat Man. Two bombs would be the winners of thecontest of fatal testing phase: the Little Boy and Fat Man (El Peque and the Gordombre), which would be launched from the Enola...Gay? and carcacha Bock, 2 aircraft with very suitable names for theoccasion, clearly is. Plans indicate that the Platypus plane and its bomb infantilesca would attack the Hiroshingada while carcacha aircraft attempting to fly with a very fat man, he tried to reachNiigata, but nii reach approach because the plane perecería or approaching the place. It fits closer to Kokuka, nor to the case, the plane was falling and soon would touch land, so the pilot thinkingabout his death, wanted to see beautiful natural landscape would destroy, but his cute dream anti-ecological overshadowing its giant multinational company of cheap cars called Mitsubishi, which had anarms factory just there with the population of buttocks-Akidecided to launch the bomb, and the plane rose enough to escape the explosion, and the pilot saw that beautiful image of a mushroom with anexpansive ring. 5 days after the bomb that destroyed the main Japanese economy of "high quality" car (compared to the majestic Made in China/Taiwan), the Emperor of the SOAP, Ero-tihco decided to...
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