Passive and Reported Speech

Páginas: 6 (1479 palabras) Publicado: 1 de junio de 2013
ACTIVE: The police arrested the burglar
PASSIVE: The burglar was arrested by the police
Present simple __________ The burglar is arrested.
Past simple ____________ The burglar was arrested.
Present continuous _______ The burglar is being arrested.
Past continuous __________ The burglar was being arrested.Present perfect ___________ The burglar has been arrested.
Present perfect continuous ___ The burglar has been being arrested.
Past perfect _____________The burglar had been arrested.
Past perfect continuous ______ The burglar had been being arrested.
Be going to _______________ The burglar is going to be arrested.
Will ____________________ The burglar will be arrested.
Future perfect____________ The burglar will have been arrested.
Should / would / can / could… ____ The burglar should/ could… be arrested.
Active: When did the police arrest the burglar?
Passive: When was the burglar arrested? (TO BE+SUBJECT +3rd COLUMN)
The light bulb was invented by Edison. (necessary)
Nowadays the internet is used by a lot of people to communicate. (notnecessary)


James Bond said:”I love you, Vanessa”.
Simple Present
James said (that) he loved Vanessa.
= James told Vanessa (that) he loved her.
Simple Past
James asked: “Do you want to come with me, Vanessa?”
Simple Present

James asked Vanessa if she wanted to go with him.
Simple Past
James said: “Vanessa, I have killed your boyfriend.”Present Perfect

James said he had killed her boyfriend.

Past Perfect
James said: “I also killed his dog”.

Simple Past
James said (that) he had also killed his dog.”.
Past Perfect

James said: “I’ll be very famous”
James said he would be very famous.

James said: “ I can ski very well”
James said he could ski very well

James said: “I must go today.”
mustHe said he had to go that day.
Had to
James said: “I may come back next month”
James said he might come back the next month.

Important things to remember:

She said: “Help me!” imperative
She asked him to help her infinitive
.= she begged him to help her.

She said: “Don’t leave me alone”
She asked him not to leave her alone.

CHANGESHere there
Now then
Today that day
Tonight That night
This that
Yesterday The day before, the previous day
Tomorrow the next day, the following day
Next year the following year, the next year

IF = WHETHER when it’s a yes/no answer.

He asked if/whether she had 200 euros.Llibre dels bons amonestaments: comentari de l'Elogi dels diners

1. Eix de producció
Escrit el 1398, el fragment (inclòs a l'obra, sense constituir cap poema independent i, per tant, sense títol posat per l'autor, si bé se l'ha conegut tradicionalment com l'Elogi dels diners per la seva temàtica) abasta nou estrofes del Llibre.

2. Tema (què diu el text)
Com que els diners canvien laveritat objectiva, trasbalsen clergues i religiosos, són idolatrats per tothom, ho legitimen tot fins arribar a fer prodigis i mouen el món, cal seguir el sarcàstic consell d'aplegar-ne tants com sigui possible i posar-nos sota la seva advocació. Vet aquí el significat d'aquest text, un consell tan justificat com sardònic, formulat des d'un cert distanciament escèptic, que ve donat per una realitatque s'imposa damunt de qui ens el formula més que no pas per pròpia convicció; al contrari: la causticitat del to més aviat ens fa pensar que l'autor està lluny d'aquesta convicció, fregant l'espiritualitat dels aires humanístics que s'acabaran imposant en l'àrea de la nostra cultura, i que, paradoxalment, ens està dient que l'esperit és superior a la matèria. Ha estat l'anàlisi duta a terme que...
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