Perfect present

Páginas: 8 (1793 palabras) Publicado: 20 de mayo de 2011
Perfect present (uses and form)

The perfect present uses in the language Englishman to narrate facts that already have happened in a not specific moment of the past, and that can or not to be continuing in the present. The verb in perfect present, or present perfect in English, constructs itself with the auxiliary verb have or you have, if it is in third person, I have, she, it, more theparticiple of the verb, past participle, also known like 3 ª colomn (third column)

Brief: I hold + have/has + verb (past participle)

* Examples:

I have eaten an apple.? I have eaten an apple.
He has bought me a car.? I have you have bought me to car.

I hold + haven't/hasn't + verb (past participle)
It has not taken me to the zoo.? Is has not given me to liftto the zoo.
They have not studied for the examination.? They have not studied for the test.

Have/has + do I hold + verb (past participle)?
All the times have you seen this movie?? How many steal have you seen that film?
Which has been the best movie that you have seen?? Which is been the best film you have ever seen?

Perfect past (uses and form)

The perfect past is inuse for speaking on two times simultaneously: the past and another past previous to this one. Structurally it is like the perfect present but instead of the auxiliary "have" / "you" "have" is in use "had".
With the perfect past two verbs are in use: the corresponding form of the verb "have" as verb auxilar and the form " past participle " of the principal verb. In the third person with "I""have", "she" and "it" the auxiliary one is " had, " and in the others also. Inside this form, there are two types of verbs: the regular verbs and the irregular verbs:

Regular verbs:

Estos son verbos como "walk" (andar), "talk" (hablar), "rate" (categorizar), "raise" (levantar), "hate" (odiar), "help" (ayudar), "like" (gustar), "want" (querer), "raid" (asaltar, redar), "last" (durar), "gore"(cornear), "wash" (lavar), "ask" (preguntar), "work" (trabajar), "show" (mostrar), "use" (usar), "look" (mirar a un objeto fijo), "watch" (mirar a una actividad en progreso), "listen" (escuchar), etc. Para hacer el "pasado perfecto" de estos verbos, simplemente hay que añadir la terminación "ed" a su infinitivo. Por ejemplo, el participio pasado de "walk" es "walked", "talk" = "talked", "rate" ="rated", "raise" = "raised", "hate" = hated", "help" = "helped", "like" = "liked", "want" = "wanted", "last" = "lasted", "gore" = "gored", "wash" = "washed", "ask" = "asked", "work" = "worked", "show" = "showed", "use" = "used", "look" = "looked", "watch" = "watched", "listen" = "listened", etc.
The basic structure of the negative of the perfect past:
I had not eaten something. No había comido algo.You had not talked to somebody. No habías hablado con alguien.
He had not listened to something. No había escuchado algo. (él)
She had not read something. No había leido algo. (ella)
It had not gone somewhere. No había ido a algún sitio.
We had not looked at something. No habíamos mirado algo.
You had not worn something. No habíais llevado algo puesto.
They had not sat somewhere. Nose habian sentado en algún sitio.

When we speak about something that has not changed (still it is true) or that is in the future, we do not have to change the verbal time.

Reported speech (since it is used)

The reported speech, unlike the direct speech, does not use the inverted commas and does not need to be a word for word. In general, when the direct speech is used, the verbal timechanges. Later you have an explicación of the changes that suffer the verbal times.


1) "I am going to London next week," she said.("Voy a Londres la semana que viene," ella dijo.)
2) "Do you have a pen I could borrow," he asked. ("Tienes un bolígrafo que puedas prestarme," él preguntó.)
3) Alice said, "I love to dance." (Alice dijo, "Me encanta bailar.")
4) Chris asked,...
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