
Páginas: 4 (786 palabras) Publicado: 9 de octubre de 2010
Investigating Flowing Liquids
The relationship between the distance of the water reaches and the height of the holes on a water bottle.

Research …
The aim of this experiment is to find how theheight of the holes in a water bottle affects the distance depending on the height of the holes and also the distance between them. This will be done by measuring how far the water goes from thedifferent holes. It is based on the theory that while the holes are near the bottom the farther the water goes because of the pressure.
Variable Type How change it and what range of values ?

Heightof the holes Independent
I will chage the height of 10 equal holes in the side of a bottle

Variable Type How measure it?

distance Dependent I will measure it using a 100cm rulerVariable Type How keep it constant?

Diameter of the hole Control The diameter of the holes is the same

Shape of the bottle Control Use a 1 liter bottle (Tesalia) the same for each try.Density of the liquid Control Using the same liquid each try (water)

1 liter bottle
Big Bottle
1 meter ruler
Drill bits

Diagram of the experiment


ruler hole


1 liter bottle

Get all the stuff ( necessary things)
You have to make 10 holes vertically on the 1 liter bottle, is necessary to make them on the flatpart of the bottle.
Cut 10 pieces of tape to cover all the holes that you done.
Go to the sink and fill the big bottle and the 1 liter bottle with water.
Put the ruler exactly at the bottomof the 2 liter bottle to measure the distance as the diagram shown.
Be ready to remove the first tape, you have to start from the top with the first hole.
While the water is flowing you have torefill the 1 liter bottle with the big bottle to keep the data.
Do this for 3 times.
Then cover the first hole and continue making the same steps but with the other holes.

Data collection...
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