
Páginas: 5 (1178 palabras) Publicado: 29 de marzo de 2012
Pokemon Gold Version: Game Shark Codes by hanzou_x
Version 0.1, Last Updated 2005-01-11 View/Download Original File
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By: hanzou
v0.1 June 8, 2001
(old weblinks removed January 23, 2004)
(outdated product information removed January 10, 2005)

| Contents |

-- Introduction / FAQs on this FAQ
1) Decimal to hexadecimal conversion
2) Pokémon digits
3) Pokémon catching and creating codes4) Move (skill) digits
5) Move (skill) codes
6) Volatile pokémon stats and other pokémon attribute modifiers
7) Permanent stats / stat experience / diversification values / max stats
8) Item digits
9) Item modifier codes
10) Text digits
11) Name & OT & id # modifier codes
12) In-battle codes
13) Time codes
14) Reset codes / stage passing codes
15) Miscellaneous codes-- Credits

| Introduction / FAQs on this FAQ |

There are some novel codes in this FAQ. I especially encourage looking at
the codes marked "!!!awesome code!!!"

Q. What is the "GS button", and what is the "GS switch"?
A. The GS button is the button on the top of your GameShark thatresets
the system so you can go back and enter more codes. The GS switch is
the switch that turns on and off the code effects while you play.

Q. Can a GameShark delete your saved game?
A. Yes, it is possible for the use of a GameShark to indirectly cause you to
lose your saved data. This happens mainly not because of the cheat codes,
but because of the fact that when you sendelectrical currents through the
game cart in unusual ways, the chances of corrupting your saved data are
increased. Likewise, you can lose your saved data due to dirty connectors,
improperly inserting the cart, or simply turning the GameBoy off and on
too rapidly.

Q. But if I make sure the GS switch is in "off" mode when I save my game, I
should never lose my saved data right?
A.Not quite. If you've done some experimenting, you might have found that
your saved game stays intact regardless of whether you had the switch on
during saving. Conversely, many players who swear that they have never
saved with the switch on have cried that their saved game has been lost
anyways. Interact warns that for some games, it might be dangerous to save
with the...
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