Probabilidades Del Ptcg (Part 1)

Páginas: 4 (830 palabras) Publicado: 10 de octubre de 2012
This article is going to be all about the probabilities of pulling the cards you need when you need them. You see, Pokemon is different from many card games in just how much you play through yourdeck. With access to Supporters, your whole deck is at your fingertips, but you need to know when to fish for what you need, and when to play it safe.

Take poker (ex: Texas Hold ‘Em) for instance.Though bluffing and mind games are a major part of poker, a proper understanding of probabilities is near essential to become a truely competitive player. As Kenny Rogers taught me, You gotta know whento hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run. Pokemon is actually fairly similar.

With Pokemon, you need to know when to play it safe, when to not even bother trying,and when to go for it. An example would be the question posed recently and addressed briefly in Jay’s article. When should you PONT, and when should you Juniper? When should you play the PlusPower +Supporter to try for the KO, and when should you just Catcher and take a cheap prize? That’s what this article is going to be all about.

To start off, a huge thank you to my friend Travis forhelping me out with the probability side of things. Travis pretty much gave me a refresher crash course in probability in order to write this article, so you can thank him for this whole article prettymuch.

Before I begin, I’ll also just say a couple things. First, in preparing to write this article, I really needed to make sure things were approachable. After all, numbers can scare people offsometimes, especially if you try and explain how you got them.

So I’ll just be saying right now, don’t worry! I’m only going to explain my work once, and I’ll include a link to all of my work at thebottom of the article if anyone is interested in verifying everything. And second, I think there are 3 things I’m hoping for people to get out of this article.

One is to get an idea of exactly how...
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