Programacion en perl

Páginas: 46 (11449 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2011
From WxPerl wiki
Wx::Window is the base class for all windows and represents any visible object on screen. All controls, toplevel windows and so on are windows. Sizers and device contexts are not windows, however, as they don't appear on screen themselves. If a Wx::Window has child windows, all children of the window will be deleted automatically by the destructor before the windowitself is deleted. This means that you don't have to worry about deleting them manually. Please see the Window Deletion Overview for more information. Is the following paragraph relevant to WxPerl? I don't think so.... Also note that in this, and many others, wxWidgets classes some GetXXX() methods may be overloaded (as, for example, GetSize or GetClientSize). In this case, the overloads arenon-virtual because having multiple virtual functions with the same name results in a virtual function name hiding at the derived class level (in English, this means that the derived class has to override all overloaded variants if it overrides any of them). To allow overriding them in the derived class, wxWidgets uses a unique protected virtual DoGetXXX() method and all GetXXX() ones are forwarded toit, so overriding the former changes the behaviour of the latter.

1 Inheritance 2 Styles 2.1 Extra Styles 3 Constructor 4 Methods 4.1 AddChild 4.2 CacheBestSize 4.3 CaptureMouse 4.4 Center 4.5 CenterOnParent 4.6 CenterOnScreen 4.7 Centre 4.8 CentreOnParent 4.9 CentreOnScreen 4.10 ClearBackground 4.11 ClientToScreen 4.12 ClientToScreenXY 4.13 ClientToWindowSize 4.14 Close 4.15ConvertDialogToPixels 4.16 ConvertPixelsToDialog

4.17 Destroy 4.18 DestroyChildren 4.19 Disable 4.20 DoGetBestSize 4.21 DoUpdateWindowUI 4.22 DragAcceptFiles 4.23 Enable 4.24 FindFocus 4.25 FindWindow 4.26 FindWindowById 4.27 FindWindowByLabel 4.28 FindWindowByName 4.29 Fit 4.30 FitInside 4.31 Freeze 4.32 GetAcceleratorTable 4.33 GetAccessible 4.34 GetAdjustedBestSize 4.35 GetBackgroundColour 4.36GetBackgroundStyle 4.37 GetEffectiveMinSize 4.38 GetBestSize 4.39 GetCapture 4.40 GetCaret 4.41 GetCharHeight 4.42 GetCharWidth 4.43 GetChildren 4.44 GetClassDefaultAttributes 4.45 GetClientSize 4.46 GetConstraints 4.47 GetContainingSizer 4.48 GetCursor 4.49 GetDefaultAttributes 4.50 GetDropTarget 4.51 GetEventHandler 4.52 GetExtraStyle 4.53 GetFont 4.54 GetForegroundColour 4.55 GetGrandParent 4.56GetHandle 4.57 GetHelpTextAtPoint 4.58 GetHelpText 4.59 GetId 4.60 GetLabel 4.61 GetMaxSize 4.62 GetMinSize 4.63 GetName

4.64 GetNextSibling 4.65 GetParent 4.66 GetPosition 4.67 GetPrevSibling 4.68 GetRect 4.69 GetScreenPosition 4.70 GetScreenRect 4.71 GetScrollPos 4.72 GetScrollRange 4.73 GetScrollThumb 4.74 GetSize 4.75 GetSizer 4.76 GetTextExtent 4.77 GetToolTip 4.78 GetUpdateRegion 4.79GetValidator 4.80 GetVirtualSize 4.81 GetWindowBorderSize 4.82 GetWindowStyleFlag 4.83 GetWindowVariant 4.84 HasCapture 4.85 HasFlag 4.86 HasMultiplePages 4.87 HasScrollbar 4.88 HasTransparentBackground 4.89 Hide 4.90 InheritAttributes 4.91 InitDialog 4.92 InvalidateBestSize 4.93 IsDoubleBuffered 4.94 IsEnabled 4.95 IsExposed 4.96 IsFrozen 4.97 IsRetained 4.98 IsShown 4.99 IsShownOnScreen 4.100IsTopLevel 4.101 Layout 4.102 LineDown 4.103 LineUp 4.104 Lower 4.105 MakeModal 4.106 Move 4.107 MoveAfterInTabOrder 4.108 MoveBeforeInTabOrder 4.109 Navigate 4.110 OnInternalIdle

4.111 PageDown 4.112 PageUp 4.113 PopEventHandler 4.114 PopupMenu 4.115 PushEventHandler 4.116 Raise 4.117 Refresh 4.118 RefreshRect 4.119 RegisterHotKey 4.120 ReleaseMouse 4.121 RemoveChild 4.122 RemoveEventHandler 4.123Reparent 4.124 ScreenToClient 4.125 ScrollLines 4.126 ScrollPages 4.127 ScrollWindow 4.128 SetAcceleratorTable 4.129 SetAccessible 4.130 SetAutoLayout 4.131 SetBackgroundColour 4.132 SetBackgroundStyle 4.133 SetInitialSize 4.134 SetCaret 4.135 SetClientSize 4.136 SetConstraints 4.137 SetContainingSizer 4.138 SetCursor 4.139 SetDropTarget 4.140 SetInitialBestSize 4.141 SetEventHandler 4.142...
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