
Páginas: 2 (271 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2013
(entramos yerson y yo, nos sentamos, andres y carlos estan ya sentados)
andres: aya are looking carlos and jose luis yerson. we were withthem?
carlos: if
carlos: hello we can sit?
luis: if
(llega el mesero y nos da los menus)
waiter: Here are the letters gentlemen.
all of us:: thanks. mmmmmm
waiter: are you ready to order?
all: if
waiter: Ban to want to eat?
andres: I can bring a soup
yerson: ami bringsjurshnet
carlos: bring me an order of tacos
luis: I can bring my salad olivier
Waiter: Ok and you want a dessert ban?
andres: bring me a sliceof cake
yerson: I would like an order bilinis
carlos: bring me also a piece of cake
luis: I could bring order bilinis
Waiter: Ok anddrinks that I bring?
andres: bring me a glass of shampaña
yerson: Could you bring me a glass of wine
carlos: I would like a glass of wine tooluis: I can bring my glass of shampaña
waiter. would it?
all: if
Waiter: Ok in a moment I bring order
all if thanks
(el mesero se va yvuelve)
waiter: here is the first order (la de andres, se va y vuelve) Here is the second order (la de yerson, se va y vuelve) this would bethe third order (la de carlos se va y vuelve) Here's the latest order (la de luis se va y ya no vuelve, todos empezamos a comer)
luis:waiter!! waiter!!
Waiter: I called?
yerson: if we could give the account porfabor.
waiter: here is
todos sacan dinero y se lo dan a mesero
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