Stereotypes, a big issue in modern society

Páginas: 5 (1082 palabras) Publicado: 4 de enero de 2011
Stereotypes, a big issue in modern society
Minorities are usually discriminated by bigger groups which use to have a stereotyped idea of those who are a minority. Stereotyping usually causes fear, hate, disdain, and violence against somebody different, just because a wrong perception of a group without thinking of individuals. The book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain shows thismatter in different aspects such as women behavior or slaves treatment. Paul Haggis’ film Crash makes this subject present in different situations, mostly stereotyping the black community.
One of the most typical stereotypes made in the society is women’s stereotype, based in their role as housewives raising their children, and their femininity. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn shows this when HuckFinn decides to dress up as a girl and talks to Mrs. Judith Loftus, after a while she finally finds out he is not a girl, so she tells him: “You do a girl tolerable poor, […] when you set out to thread a needle, don’t hold the thread the needle up to it; hold the needle still and poke the thread at it – that’s the way a woman most always does; but a man always does ‘toher way.”(46) This quoteillustrates a stereotype of women who suppose to know how to sew or do any housework, while men assume to work outside and bring the money, so they do not expect to work at home. In the movie Crash a situation where a stereotype of woman is exemplified when the officer John Ryan says to Shaniqua Johnson, manager of the
hospital where his father is, that any qualified white men could have her job; thisis not only remarkable as a stereotype because of gender, it is because of race too, referring to her that she cannot do her job not only because she is a woman, but because she is a black woman.
Appearance is other circumstance where stereotype is present; different groups are related with their different looks. This does not have to be true, just because some people in that minor group lookalike using similar things does not mean that everyone in that group is exactly the same. Pap mentions in the book a free “nigger” that was a professor in college, and he says: “He had the whitest shirt on you ever see, and the shiniest hat; […] and he had a gold watch and chain, […]” (20). This image of a black man stands out within the common situation of black slaves of the time who did not haveany right or freedom and it was unthinkable the possibility of them living better than a white man. The majority of black slaves in the black community in the 1800’s did not make impossible the existence of black men with a better standard of life than a white man, even though for ordinary white men those are still no more than slaves just because the idea of black man equals a slave. Crash shows asimilar view of this point when Anthony and Peter looking for a car to steal, finally find the car, which turns out to be Cameron’s car; they are surprised to see that an expensive car belongs to a black man, because in their minds they have the idea that expensive cars can only be own by white people. These stereotype ideas are the ones that segregate even more the society, just because thepeople think of themselves as a different group making more difficult for both groups have the same opportunities.
Stereotypes make people think that a whole community acts the same way, making them suspicious of actions of those from that group although they do not have any bad intention. In the movie Crash this example it is extremely notable when Tom Hansen picks up Peter Waters, who washitchhiking. In the car Peter says he likes country, but Tom does not believe him just because the stereotype of black man likes hip hop and rap. A little later Peter starts to laugh, thing who Tom takes badly so he gets violent; after this, Peter put his hand in his pocket, action that makes Tom think he is going to take out a gun, so after a little squabble Tom takes out his gun and shoots Peter. After...
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