Tarea De Prepara Sabado

Páginas: 5 (1099 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2015
5 ejemplo de oraciones compuestas
1. El equipo azul jugó muy bien pero el equipo verde fue un desastre.
2. Rosita compró paletas y María se las quitó.
3. A Juanita le gusta la comida que guisa su abuelita.
4. Patricia asistió a la junta a la que convocó el Ingeniero Robles.
5. Karla tiene el cabello rojo, su hermana lo tiene negro.
Biografia de salome Ureña en ingles
Salome Urena de HenriquezDiaz (October 21, 1850 - March 6, 1897) was a poet and educator Dominican, one of the central figures of the lyric poetry of the nineteenth century and innovative female education in his country.
Outstanding student of Eugenio Maria de Hostos, his work focused on patriotism and in their home environment. Although not very extensive work, he managed to draw the attention of much of Latin America bythe depth of his works. Among his most notable works are: A La Patria, the bird and the nest and Shadows, among others.
Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on October 21, 1850. She was the daughter of a lawyer and writer Nicolas Ureña de Mendoza and Gregoria Diaz de Leon, who gave his daughter her first educational lessons. At an early age, he came into contact with literature. His fathertaught him the classics of Spanish and French authors who helped the young Salome to develop their own career.
He began writing poems at fifteen years of age, subsequently publishing his first works at the age of seventeen, becoming known for its spontaneity and tenderness. In 1867 he published his first works under the pseudonym "Herminia", a name used until 1874. As time went on, his work becametragic and sad poems as in times of distress or patriotic and strong in poems like A La Patria and ruins. In later years, he included in his poetry themes autobiographical, as you can see in my Pedro, dedicated to his son, perhaps more loving his poem, in the coming winter and a book that became very popular named Stephen, where he talks his country, his family, plants and flowers.
Urena died oftuberculosis at the age of forty-six, being buried in the church "Our Lady of Mercy" and in 1972 moved to the National Pantheon.
He died from complications of tuberculosis in 1897, at the age of 46 years. She was buried in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in 1972 and transferred to the Pantheon of the Fatherland. It is considered by many as the most sublime writer of the Dominican Republic. Hemanaged to inject deep feelings in each of his poems that form a fundamental part of the Dominican literary heritage.
Salome was not only a prominent Dominican writer and educator, but also a great fighter for equal rights between women and men. Their struggle became a martyr in his country and is remembered for his hard work on behalf of women's education. October 21 was declared "Day of the Poet" inhis honor.
Antecedentes de la guerra de la reconquista y lideres
La ciudad de Buenos Aires fue ocupada por tropas al mando del militar británico William Car Beresford el 27 de junio de 1806. Con poca capacidad de defensa por parte de las autoridades virreinales españolas, los ingleses ocuparon rapìdamente la ciudad e izaron su bandera en el fuerte, núcleo del poder del Virreinato. Los comerciantesfueron los primeros que se organizaron para reconquistar la ciudad, el liderazgo recayó sobre el Capitán de Fragata Santiago de Liniers, quien desde la povincia oriental (hoy Uruguay) consiguió reunir una cantidad considerable de hombres, en su gran mayoría gauchos, derrotaron a los invasores ingleses expulsándolos del territorio argentino y establecieron nuevamente la soberanía colonialespañola. Esto sucedió en la actual República de Argentina en 1806, dos años después (1808) se repite la historia en Santo Domingo español, donde los dominicanos se pusieron de acuerdo para desalojar a los franceses del territorio que por más de tres siglos, antes de la firma del Tratado de Basilea, había sido una colonia española. Debido a la profundidad de estas raíces hispanas, despierta en ellos un...
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