Tarea de art´s and movement

Páginas: 2 (259 palabras) Publicado: 4 de abril de 2011
Well, when you mention this, make me interesting, so I research and I found:
Was made by Marcel Duchamp in 1919 and this artmeans “Elle que un cul del au del chaud” or “there is fire down below" , and he put the montage and the stubble because he saidthat like that she looks like a real man and it´s like a game for him because it´s other views of something.
More information:http://www.toutfait.com/unmaking_the_museum/LHOOQ.html

But for me, It proves that the beauty in woman is natural and it’s inmany forms and not only what we thing that is beauty and not only you are beautiful if you are thin, without montage or stubble,with a lot of make-up, etc…Because that is only an stereotype that we created.
I think that we are very prejudice with the beautyin the woman, and well I have seen that if a woman is not beautiful they make her fell less .A woman is beautiful by nature , theydon’t need make up , because with it you don´t show the real is like a mask . Like the prostitutes, they put a lot of make-upbecause the want like live 2 life´s and in the day other can´t recognize her. We are magnifcant and perfect , and make´s me sadthat a lot of people don’t love´s them self , just the way they are , and want to be MORE that other´s , and that is only egoism .
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