
Páginas: 7 (1686 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2013
El síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida ( SIDA en castellano y AIDS en inglés) es una enfermedad de transmisión mayormente sexual que se debe a una mutación o cambio en un virus propio de una especie de mono africano, que pasó a la sangre humana y allí se ha adaptado y reproducido. Se conocen casos, estudiados posteriormente, de personas africanas que se infectaron hace 40 o 50años, cuando ni la enfermedad ni el virus estaban descritos con perfección.La corta historia de la enfermedad está salpicada por varios acontecimientos importantes. Después de descritos los primeros casos en 1981 entre los homosexuales, en 1983 Luc Montagnier descubre el agente causante: el VIH (virus de inmunodeficiencia humana). En 1985 ya estuvieron disponibles las pruebas para analizar qué sangrecontenía o no el VIH. En 1983, se manifestó la epidemia del SIDA también en personas heterosexuales, y en 1985 se habían contabilizado casos en todos los continentes. 
Seis años después de su detección, en 1987, se crearon diversos organismos para tratar de contener la rápida propagación. También en esta fecha, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos estadounidense, la FDA, autorizó elprimer fármaco para tratar el SIDA. La terapia triple antirretroviral no estuvo disponible hasta 1996. En la actualidad, se investiga en la obtención de una vacuna que frene al virus.
a star is born
They multiplied few cases of diseases common among young subjects. Infections were especially difficult to treat and they'd just killing patients. It soon became clear that it was an epidemic: the diseasebegan to be diagnosed quickly in countries other than U.S.. UU. But the cause was not clear, nor was it easy to explain why it occurred at a time and in different countries this painting deadly so rare.It is thought that the reason for these rare infections were in the frequent use of stimulant drugs for the gay community, which seemed to be the most affected, also proposed the simultaneouscombination of several sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or the fact travel to exotic destinations.However, once described the box immunodeficiency, began communicating new cases in non homosexuals mainly intravenous drug addicts, hemophiliacs and subjects from the Caribbean island of Haiti. In January 1983 described the first case of heterosexual transmission.
Clash of the Titans
The discovery ofthe cause of AIDS became the early 80s in a goal for many researchers. Given the media coverage was reaching epidemic, the scientist who unveiled the riddle had secured the recognition, not only in the scientific community, but throughout the world. It is likely that many laboratories try to "catch" the person responsible for this disease, but for history, only two will go down to posterity asmain protagonists: the Pasteur Institute in France, and the National Cancer Institute (NIH) in Bethesda, USA . States. Shall also be recorded in the historical record two legendary names: Luc Montaigne and Robert Gallo.Luc Montaigne was born in Chablis, (Indre, France) on August 18, 1932. Doctor of Medicine from the University of Poitiers, and dedicated to teaching until 1967 they began research invirology. In 1972 he was appointed head of the Viral Oncology Unit at the Pasteur Institute and in 1974 director of the National Center for Scientific Research.2these two men were fought much against AIDS

Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer, cervical carcinoma or cervical cancer, including malignant neoplasms that develop in the lower fibromuscular portion of the uterus that projects into thevaginaEl German scientist Harald zur Hausen made ​​a breakthrough in cancer research cervical, and he discovered the important role that has the human papillomavirus (HPV) in their training, which is why he won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008. Also contributed experiments on rhesus monkeys by the Spanish gynecologist Enrique Aguirre Cabañas. All this laid the foundations on which later...
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