Technological Advances

Páginas: 7 (1732 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2012
I.E.P. Reina de las Américas
I.E.P. Reina de las Américas

Technological Advances
Miss Ana Padilla
María Fernanda Sofía Bacigalupo Arakaki
Segundo Grado “B”
Cover Art 1
Introduction 2
Chapter 1:History of Technology 3
Chapter 2: History of Technology by Centuries
2.1. 19th Century 5
2.2. 20th Century 6
2.3. 21st Century7
Chapter 3: Top 10-My favorite Technological Advances
3.1. Google 7
3.2. Mobile Phones 8
3.3. Wi-Fi 8
3.4. I Pod8
3.5. Phone 8
3.6. Social Networks 8
3.7. GPS 9
3.8. Flat Screens9


CHAPTER 1: History of Technology
The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques, and is similar to the history of humanity. Background knowledge has enabled people to create new things, and conversely, many scientific endeavors have become possible through technologies which assisthumans to travel to places we could not otherwise go, and probe the nature of the universe in more detail than our natural senses allow.
Technological artifacts are products of an economy, a force for economic growth, and a large part of everyday life. Technological innovations affect, and are affected by, a society's cultural traditions. They also are a means to develop and project militarypower.
Many sociologists and anthropologists have created social theories dealing with social and cultural evolution. Some, like Lewis H. Morgan, Leslie White, and Gerhard Lenski, declare technological progress to be the primary factor driving the development of human civilization. Morgan's concept of three major stages of social evolution can be divided by technological milestones, such as fire, thebow, and pottery in the savage era, domestication of animals, agriculture, and metalworking in the barbarian era and the alphabet and writing in the civilization era.
Instead of specific inventions, White decided that the measure by which to judge the evolution of culture was energy. White differentiates between five stages of human development: In the first, people use energy of their ownmuscles. In the second, they use energy of domesticated animals. In the third, they use the energy of plants. In the fourth, they learn to use the energy of natural resources: coal, oil, gas. In the fifth, they harness nuclear energy. Russian astronomer, Nikolai Kardashev, extrapolated his theory creating the Kardashev scale, which categorizes the energy use of advanced civilizations.
Lenski takes amore modern approach and focuses on information. The more information and knowledge a given society has, the more advanced it is. He identifies four stages of human development, based on advances in the history of communication. In the first stage, information is passed by genes. In the second, when humans gain sentience, they can learn and pass information through by experience. In the third, the...
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