Teoría social siglo xix

Páginas: 20 (4856 palabras) Publicado: 29 de agosto de 2010
A Sociology Timeline from 1600
by Ed Stephan -- want to send suggestions? visit my homepage?
what happened on this date? check out the Sociology Calendar

|1620 |Apr 24 | John GRAUNT born London |
|1623 |May 26 |WilliamPETTY born Hampshire |
|1632 |Aug 29 |John LOCKE born Wrington, Somerset |
|1632 |Nov 24 |Benedict (or Baruch) SPINOZA born Amsterdam |
|1642 | Thomas HOBBES|De Cive, Aubrey's 'Life' |
|1651 |Thomas HOBBES |Leviathan |
|1662 |John GRAUNT |Observations on the Bills of Mortality |
|1668 |Jun 23|Giambattista VICO born Naples |
|1670 |SPINOZA |A Theologico-Political Treatise |
|1670 |Bernard MANDEVILLE |born Dordrecht, Holland |
|1671|SHAFTESBURY (Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd | born |
| |Earl) | |
|1674 |Apr 18 |John GRAUNT died |
|1676| William PETTY |Political Arithmetick |
|1677 |Feb 21 | Baruch SPINOZA died |
|1677 | SPINOZA |Ethics |
|1677| SPINOZA |On the Improvement of the Understanding |
|1679 |Dec 4 |Thomas HOBBES died |
|1682 | William PETTY |(Another) Essay on Political Arithmetick |
|1683| William PETTY | Observations on the Dublin Bills of |
| | |Mortality |
|1685 | Mar 12 |George BERKELEY born Dublin|
|1687 |Dec 16 | William PETTY died |
|1689 | Jan 18 | Charles de Secondat, Baron de MONTESQUIEU |
| | |born Château La Brède, nearBordeaux |
|1690 | John LOCKE | Essay Concerning Human Understanding |
|1690 | John LOCKE | Second Treatise on Government |
|1694 | Francis HUTCHESON | born...
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