The Abortion

Páginas: 2 (297 palabras) Publicado: 30 de mayo de 2012
The Abortion, as a resource in favor of the female integrity.

I. Motherhood is to be free, in reason of the mother's body.
a) The decisions about your own body mustbe a fundamental right of the people, in a country in democracy.
b) Abortion has to be a right in any advanced society, secular and shouldn’t leave governed by the moral.c) The pregnant woman's life is the one that it is necessary to take care and to protect because it is the one that has conscience. Neither the pregnant woman's parentsneither the State neither the father of the fetus should have any reason to interfere in similar decision.

II. Abortion is the correct decision, if the pregnancy isunworkable, or it happens under certain special conditions.
a) When the pregnancy puts in risk the woman's physical integrity, for example, a ectopic pregnancy.
b) When theembryo or fetus is sick, and won`t be able to be born.
c) When the pregnancy is product of a rape against the woman, or it’s not wanted, therefore it will producepsychological damage in the mother.

III. The abortion should be legal, free of charge and supported
a) Abortion should be free in public hospitals for all the women take adecision that doesn’t depend on the economy, the social stigma or personal safety.
b) More than half of the abortions performed in the world are clandestine. Must be close allthe illegal abortion clinic and punish all those who deceive and endanger the lives of pregnant women who decide to finish their pregnancy.
c) Should be given thecorresponding psychological support.

Synthesizing, abortion should be a free act, determined, and legal. Thinking that every life matters and we can avoid a greater harm in the future.
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