The queen and i

Páginas: 3 (719 palabras) Publicado: 22 de marzo de 2012
The queen and I
Chapter 1
1. Why do you think the Queen didn’t want a Republican government to be elected?(¿Por qué crees que la reina quería que se eligiera un gobierno que no fuerarepublicano? )
2. What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes?(¿ Que le dijo Jack Barker a la familia real acerca de cómo tenía que ser la nueva casa?)
3. What did Jack Barker dowith the Queen’s crown and what do you think this signified?( ¿que hizo Jack Barker con la corona? ¿Qué significaba?)
Chapter 2
4.  Describe Beverly y Tony Threadgold
5. List five things theQueen observed in Hell Close.
6.  What was the first problem for the Queen, Charles and Diana and how was it solved?
Chapter 3
7. Why wouldn’t the Queen let Trish into the house?
8. Whycouldn’t the Queen warm the room?
9. Describe how the Queen injured herself and how she got out of her house
Chapter 4
10. Why did all the women visit Diana and what did this show about thepeople in Hell Close?
11. What things about family life in Hell Close were new for Diana?
12.  What did Beverly teach the Royal Family?
Chapter 5
13. How was Philip’s new life affecting him?14.  Why did Charles get involved in the fight between PC Ludlow and Beverly? 
15. What task did Charles ask Diana to do and why didn’t she do it immediately?
Chapter 6
16. Diana was upsetabout 2 things in court. What were they? (jealous-celosa)
17. How was Anne different from the other members of her family?
Chapter 7
18. Find four reasons why the queen need moneyimmediately
19.  Fitzroy promised his mother that he would never go into a betting shop. How did he keep his promise? 
20. Why did Fitzroy and the Queen Mother like each other and why were bothhappy?
Chapter 8
21. Why couldn’t the Queen get her Emergency Payment? 
22. How did the Queen finally get some money and what did she think made it possible?( awareness the clerk-conciencia al...
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