Tics For Intercultural Comunication

Páginas: 11 (2718 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2011


Abstract. This paper discusses impact of widespread usage of the TICs on language evolution. There are three main factors to be considerated by applied linguistics: increasing number of non-native English speakers as a language-simplifying factor, the usage ofTICs proper as a factor which involves those speakers into every-day communication, and Internet as new, impersonal enviroment of the communication. The accelarated language evolutional processes put into question rules and norms that regulate process of translating/interpreting. Thus, conventional standarts of professional T&I activity established by theory of translation should be revised.Resumen. El trabajo aborda impacto que ejercen los TICs sobre la evolución de las lenguas. Investigaciones de la lingüística aplicada deberían tomar en consideración tales factores como: número creciente de hablantes de inglés no nativos como un factor que lleva a simplificación de las lenguas; el uso de los TICs como un factor que involucra a ellos en una comunicación diaria; Internet como unambiente nuevo, impersonal de la comunicación. Los procesos accelerados de la evolución de las lenguas comprometen normas y reglas regulatorias aplicadas a la traducción/interpretación. Por tanto, los estándares de la actividad profesional de T&I establecidos por la teoría de la traducción están sujetos a revisión.

Revising the influence of the TICs on translation services market (let’s take it ingeneral for the moment) the very first thing to be mentioned is they all are just a tool. Extremely efficient, extending the opportunity for a professional and a client to be connected in spite of the distance between them, assisting and therefore favoring the process of translation/interpreting. Nevertheless, it’s only a tool. So, as any other tool, TICs provide certain advantages and disadvantages,partially facilitate and partially complicate the process. One of the main aims pursued by this speculation should be, thus, to indicate some new challenges that the T&I professionals are coming across since the world has been getting interconnected. Furthermore to outline general research directions in linguistics and translation theory with the view of meeting those challenges efficiently.I’ll mostly consider those aspects of the TICs usage which, to my mind, affect the very essence of T&I activity, the natural languages, and, therefore, make questionable conventional standards of the translation theory.
As far as I can see there can be marked out three main factors that exert the impact on the natural languages. These are worldwide speaking English (or “some kind of English”); TICs asa tool of communication; and the Internet proper as a new environment or new context of the communication.
Regarding the first of the mentioned aspects, we should assume, first of all, that adoption is a well-known by linguistics phenomenon of a language making process. Why, then, the worldwide speaking English becomes a trouble for every natural language including this one? Intensity, that’swhat changes it all. It’s one of the cases when “quantity becomes quality” and the phenomenon of linguistic adoption sometimes turns into a chaotic confusion of lexical, syntactical and other language elements.
I’d hopefully be forgiven for repeating the commonplace of “English is the language of international communication” or “your English is your business card”. These two statements make evidentthe primordial necessity of speaking English to everyone who desires to incorporate into the global social processes. At the same time it’s obviously impossible that every member of the modern world society speaks relevant English to participate on equal terms in whatever sort of activity. Although the aim is intended to be reached, it would hardly happen in the near future.
Even though, the...
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