Tolerancia en ingles

Páginas: 4 (776 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2011
Social tolerance is the ability to accept a person to another that can not support someone or a group at what is not similar to their values or standards set by society. It is the respect for ideas,beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own. It is the attitude a person has in relation to that which is different from their values. Is the ability to listen andaccept others, realizing the value of different forms of understanding life.
What tolerance is not
Tolerance is not to make concessions, but it is indifference. To be tolerant is necessary to knowthe other. Is mutual respect through mutual understanding. According to some theories of fear and ignorance are the root causes of intolerance and their patterns can be printed in the human psychefrom an early age. Therefore, one could say that tolerance is mutual respect, even when there is mutual understanding.
Often we tend to assimilate some notions of tolerance, although close in places,are revealed fundamentally different.
The tolerance is realized when an individual has the authority or power to ban or suspend an action which it considers undesirable or uncomfortable and it doesnot, but lets act.
Indifference is not feeling good or evil, against what is perceived. It is not necessary at all tolerance for things which do not feel any emotion. For example, aperson for whom religious issues is not a concern, or not qualified.
Indulgence goes beyond tolerance, it is a disposition to kindness, mercy, ease of forgiveness, while tolerance can becondescending. Forbearance is the ability of the individual to ignore an action that is considered harmful.
Respect supposed to understand and share the values of a person or an idea orvalue whose authority acts on us. Through respect, something or someone judged favorably, on the contrary, through tolerance, we try to support something or someone independent of the trial that we...
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