Tríptico Sobre La Alimentación ( Actividad Integradora )

Páginas: 2 (289 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2013
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Disease: Causes and ConsequencesSometimes, for various reasons (physical, social) does not take a healthy diet that meets our needs in a balanced way. Thishappens when we do not eat enough, or rather, when we consume more than we need. 1. Given our BMI, we must satisfy the necessary calories for our bodies daily. Poornutrition will bring only a poor physical and mental development; it will weaken us. 2. Do not go overboard with any food. When we eat more than we spend, it is stored as fat inour body and we can shoot serious health problems.Knowing the nutritional composition of what we eat is important to set consumption limits | | Not everything is as itseems...The company is already heavily used to influence and media marketing huge quantity of food products such as cookies, chips and soft drinks, all of which, full ofsugar, saturated fat and sodium. Therefore contain a high caloric content but do not nourish us properly.Ideally always cook and eat at home, where we have control of what weeat, including fruits and vegetables, without the accompaniment of sugary drinks but rather natural water. | | Do not be swayed by the marketing! Realize the true need offood"You have to eat to live, not live to eat"-Moliere"Americans will eat up the garbage long as you put ketchup profusely”-Henry MillerImplement the following: * Eat onlywhen hungry. Do not confuse hunger with cravings or whims * Before you buy anything, check well the chemical composition and discard those products that contain excessfats and sugars * Try to eat foods prepared at home * Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly * Don’t drink calories. Drink natural water instead of juice and soda |
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