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Páginas: 3 (566 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2011
Resultados de la búsqueda

The best review for the CLEP general exams: featuring the latest ...

Research & Education Association, Michael V. Angrosino, JenniferCarpignano - 2002 - 1091 páginas - Vista previa
This volume contains extensive topical reviews and drills prepared expressly to help you get ready for the CLEP General CBTs.
books.google.com.mx- Más ediciones
High School Chemistry Tutor

James R. Ogden, Research & Education Association, Rea - 1986 - 360 páginas - Vista previa
Specifically designed tomeet the needs of high school students, REA’s High School Chemistry Tutor presents hundreds of solved problems with step-by-step and detailed solutions.
SAT II:Math Level IC - The Best Test Preparation for the ...

Research & Education Association, Research and Education Association Staff, Sat Research & Education - 1995 - 288 páginas - Vistaprevia
CHAPTER 1 - ABOUT THE SAT II: MATH LEVEL IC SUBJECT TEST ABOUT THIS BOOK This book provides you with an accurate and complete representation of the SAT II: Math Level IC Subject Test.books.google.com.mx
CLEP college algebra

Research & Education Association - 2007 - 229 páginas - Vista previa
Based on todayās official CLEP exam Are youprepared to excel on the CLEP? * Take the first practice test to discover what you know and what you should know * Set up a flexible study schedule by following our easy timeline * Use REA's ...books.google.com.mx - Más ediciones
OGET/OSAT (REA) - The Best Test Prep, Oklahoma Gen. Ed. and Subj. ...

Research & Education Association - 2006 - 432 páginas - Vistaprevia
OGET – General Education (74) OSAT -- Elementary Education (50 & 51) Includes TESTware CD with timed practice tests and instant scoring For Oklahoma Licensure Are you prepared to excel on...
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