Understanding Technological Evolution And Diversity

Páginas: 2 (424 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
Articulo de EBSCO

Understanding Technological Evolution and Diversity

Maritza Carrillo Piñeiro
ITTE 10111L Control 1208653648
Literacia de computadoras

National University CollegeRecinto de Online
8 de octubre de 2012


Technological evolution, does it change our identities? Change is not accepted by many for fear of change. We are comfortable and when changethreatens our comfort zone we fear it. We do tend to accept the things that work for us and benefit from what they can do for us. Each day technology evolves, more and more, what is it searching for?We persuade technology to accommodate us, do what we want and go where we want it to go. But where is it headed? How can we compare what we cannot fully understand? John Smart, a systems theorist,suggested we need a technological version of the Serenity Prayer, asking God for the wisdom to discern the difference. Technology wants what life wants the increase of all good things, the one Iwill bring here is: diversity. Diversity means a range of different things.
Everyday diversity evolves in every form possible. The increase in diversities helps us create new ways of communication notused in the past, among other things. For example, in the past we could only make calls through a landline, today we have cellphones, computers, and not only can we make a call but we can video callas well. Not all people today use these new technologies, some are so comfortable they refuse to evolve and accept the change.

Diversity brings a whole new variety of inventions. Inventionsthat squash older inventions; be aware that not all new technology will replace other things. Not everything is handled by or needs technology. On the down side diversity sometimes provides us withtoo many options to choose from. Although that is not a bad thing it can be over whelming to make an informed choice.
Global diversity permits us to learn and reach other cultures without having to...
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