Unidad Didactica Ingles

Páginas: 18 (4483 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2012


1. Justification 2
2. Sessions 3
3. Objectives 3
4. Cycle objectives 5
5. Didactic objectives 6
6. Basic competences. 8
7. Contents: 10
8. Activities 12
9. Methodology 17
10. Resources 20
11. Evaluation 20
12. ANNEXES 22

1. Justification

The target students for this unit are those in third year of primary education.
The parties of birthday areimportant for the children. The children share a lot of positive experiences that help to the socialization with the family and the friends. The pupils like birthdays and they represent a way of socializing with the family and friends. This event motivates the children to remembering and studying your date of birth, the months of the year, the stations, the days of the week, etc.
By using theseactivities, we aim to ensure that students not only learn the English language, in this case vocabulary related to birthdays, household items and some linguistic structures, but they also learn to communicate encouraging the exchange at all times of real and simulated language in the classroom and related to their interests. It is also an opportunity to introduce likes and dislikes, I like,don’t like, etc.
The pupils in this class have a very basic level of English language. The class in general has not successfully achieved the expected level of different skills, so the unit will start at a level they can understand.

2. Sessions

This unit was realized during the second semester. This unit was developing in two weeks, in six meetings, each of them of 50 minutes.
The unitthat we sense beforehand this one thought for six meetings, but always us adapting to our pupils, with total flexibility. If it’s necessary it was getting longer or they were shortening the meetings taking as a reference the difficulties or achievements that our pupils present.
3. Objectives

Stage objectives (RD 1513/2006):
A) Know and appreciate the values and the procedure of livingtogether, learn to act in agreement with them, to be prepared for the active exercise of citizenship and to respect human rights, as well as the pluralism of a democratic society.
B) Develop habits of individual and cooperative work, of effort and responsibility in the study as well as confidence attitudes, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning.
C) Acquirehabits to prevent and to resolve conflicts which will enable them to act autonomously in the domestic and family environment and in their social groups.
E) Know, understand and respect different cultures and the differences between people, equal rights and opportunities of men and women and non-discrimination towards the disabled.
F) Know and use appropriately the English language and, ifpossible, the official language of the corresponding Autonomous Community, and develop reading habits.
H) Know and value her / his natural, social and cultural context, and the action and care possibilities on it.
I) Initiate in the use of information and communication technologies, for the learning, developing a critical spirit with the messages that they receive and produce.
Subject objectives(RD 1513/2006):

1. Understand simple oral texts about known objects and situations which are close to the students.
 2. Use the foreign language orally to communicate with the class group during the usual class activities and situations created with this goal.
 3. Use non-linguistic and expressive resources (gestures, body language, sounds, drawings…) to understand and to communicate throughthe foreign language.
 4. Establish the relation among the meaning, the pronunciation and the spelling representation of words and simple sentences in the foreign language and to recognize their sounds and intonation.
5. Comprehensive reading of simple and short texts within class activities, with their knowledge and their experiences.
6. Produce short and simple written texts about...
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