Verbos pasados en ingles

Páginas: 3 (574 palabras) Publicado: 2 de septiembre de 2012
Arise | Arose | Arisen | Aparecer |
Babysit | Babysat | Babysat | Cuidar Bebés |
Be | Was/Were | Been | Ser/estar |
Bear | Bore | Borne | Soportar|
Beat | Beat | Beaten | Vencer |
Become | Became | Become | Llegar a ser |
Begin | Began | Begun | Empezar |
Bend | Bent | Bent | Doblar |
Bid | Bid | Bid | Pujar |
Bind | Bound |Bound | Atar |
Bite | Bit | Bitten | Morder |
Bleed | Bled | Bled | Sangrar |
Blow | Blew | Blown | Soplar |
Break | Broke | Broken | Quebrar |
Bring | Brought | Brought | Traer |
Build |Built | Built | Construir |
Burst | Burst | Burst | Explosionar (globos) |
Buy | Bought | Bought | Comprar |
Can | Could | ___________________ | Poder |
Catch | Caught | Caught | Atrapar |Choose | Chose | Chosen | Elegir |
Cling | Clung | Clung | Agarrarse |
Come | Came | Come | Venir |
Cost | Cost | Cost | Costar |
Creep | Crept | Crept | Escabullirse |
Deal | Dealt | Dealt |Acordar |
Dig | Dug | Dug | Cavar |
Do | Did | Done | Hacer |
Draw | Drew | Drawn | Dibujar |
Drink | Drank | Drunk | Beber |
Drive | Drove | Driven | Conducir |
Eat | Ate | Eaten | Comer |Fall | Fell | fallen | Caer |
Feed | Fed | Fed | Alimentar |
Feel | Felt | Felt | Sentir |
Fight | Fought | Fought | Pelear |
Find | Found | Found | Buscar |
Flee | Fled | Fled | Huir dealgo |
Fly | Flew | Flown | Volar |
Forbid | Forbade | Forbiden | Prohibir |
Foresee | Foresaw | Foreseen | Prever |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten | Olvidar |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven |Perdonar |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen | Congelar |
Get | Got | Got | Obtener |
Give | Gave | Given | Dar |
Go | Went | Gone | Ir |
Grow | Grew | Grown | Crecer |
Hang | Hung/hanged |Hung/hanged | Colgar |
Have | Had | Had | Tener |
Hear | Heard | Heard | Oír |
Hide | Hid | Hidden | Esconder |
Hit | Hit | Hit | Golpear |
Hold | Held | Held | Mantener |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt |...
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