Vida En Marte

Páginas: 3 (510 palabras) Publicado: 25 de julio de 2012
Planets in our solar system have changed. One of those planets is Mars. Scientists think that million of years ago there used to be life on Mars. It was completely different. But through timeeverything changed. Mars magnetosphere was lost and it made the planet colder. Though Mars is the most habitable planet in our solar system, because of its surface conditions. This paper will discuss some ofthe possibilities humans have to live in Mars, like for example the water on Mars (topic #1), Mars atmosphere (topic #2), and ways of terraforming Mars (topic #3).
Water on Mars is less abundantthan it is on Earth. Most of the water known s locked in the cryosphere. Only a small amount of water vapor is present in the atmosphere. There’ve been found ancient lakes, ancient river valleys, andwidespread glaciations. Also, radar studies discovered pure ice in formations that were thought to be glaciers, which is a good thing because water is really important for life. Water’s presence iseither on or under the surface, streambeds, polar caps, eroded craters or minerals directly connected to the existence of liquid water. Over thirty meteorites have been found that come from Mars. Someof them contain evidence that they were exposed to water when on Mars. Some Mars meteorites called basaltic shergottites appear to have been exposed to liquid water prior injection to space. Anotherclass of meteorites, the nakhlites, was suffused with liquid water around 620 million years ago. They fell to Earth within 10,000 years ago.
Mars atmosphere has been interest in studying since thedetection of methane, which indicates the presence of life on Mars. It is indicated that Mars produces 270 tons/year of methane. Under the conditions on Mars methane breaks down in 6 months. So inorder methane to exist in detected quantities, there must be a very active source under the surface. A reason why Mars atmosphere is not helpful is because it has lost its magnetosphere. A magnetosphere...
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