Article Intercultural Process Spanish

Páginas: 15 (3741 palabras) Publicado: 25 de mayo de 2015

Full name
Oscar Mauricio Arévalo Balcazar
Academic Degree
MA in Applied Linguistics of Spanish as a Foreign Language
Title of the report
Intercultural process: Latin American culture in Spanish classes at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Intercultural process: Latin American culture inSpanish classes at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This paper presents the process carried out during the course of level A2 of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) at Academy of Public Administration under President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with objective of contributing to the development of intercultural communicative awareness of aLatin-American context. On this are presented elements related to the relationship between the students and the Latin-American culture, including their background and during development of the course. In the conceptual framework is included the intercultural development model proposed by Byram (2007) and the intercultural communicative competence by Rico (2011). This is an exercise in appliedresearch that takes the theoretical foundations mentioned in order to apply such methodology for developing classroom activities. Thus, the activities were focused on developing the intercultural communicative competence.
After carrying out the process, it is concluded that, students, initially, demonstrate an ethnocentric position as a mechanism of reaction to the new culture, defending their ownculture, and trying to minimize everything that comes from the new. To the extent that students deepen their knowledge of the target culture, with a critical eye, they can understand some of the aspects that make the cultures are different. On the other hand, the media allow greatly deepen cultural knowledge of the target culture, due to it is an evidenced of authentic cultural aspects. Theseaspects are always more motivating for students than attempts to simulate cultural situations in the classroom. Thus, much of the academic effort required to learn a language and be able to communicate in the target culture, in a context of foreign language learning, should be focused on providing opportunities for students to interact in authentic contexts that media provide.
Key words: TeachingSpanish as a foreign language (SFL), Intercultural communicative competence (CCI)

Proceso intercultural: cultura Latinoamérica en las clases de español de la Academia de Administración Pública de Kazajistán.
El aprendizaje de cualquier lengua está ligado al contacto que se tenga con la cultura de la lengua meta, ya que es la asimilación cultural de la segunda lengua (L2) la que permite unaproficiencia comunicativa de los aprendientes al momento de usar la lengua en contextos auténticos. Las clases de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) que se llevan cabo diariamente en la Academia de Administración Pública bajo la Presidencia de la República de Kazajistán se presentan para los estudiantes como un espacio que involucra el constante contacto con la cultura hispanohablante. Debido a quelos estudiantes tienen una relación con la cultura hispanohablante que se orienta en mayor medida a la cultura española, ha sido necesario realizar un acercamiento a la cultura hispanohablante abarcando contextos como el latinoamericano.

Se entiende la relación que los estudiantes tienen con la cultura de España, ya que esta ha sido promovida con mayor intensidad al interior de Kazajistán pormedio del deporte, la comida y la música. En el contexto Astana, es posible encontrar fanáticos de Real Madrid o Barcelona, conocer a alguien que le guste la paella, o escuchar en la radio canciones de Enrique Iglesias. Además de esto, es un curso en el que los estudiantes ya ha tenido contacto con el aprendizaje de español como lengua extranjera. Es una realidad que en el campo de ELE, la gran...
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